Monday, March 15, 2010

Skin problems?

we've got a boxer/lab/rednose pit and she's got really bad skin problems. she is losong hair in different parts of her body that she chews at and has scabs behind her ears. what can i use to help her skin heal and get better?
Skin problems?
You should bring your dog to the vet. If this is just dry skin - no big deal - you can try human and/or holistic remedies if you like. It could also be allergies. We had a dog that had allergies that caused this and we treated him with benadryl at the vet's suggestion and at the vet's recommended dosage. But there could be some sort of parasite causing this condition and the longer you wait the worse it will get. I could also be caused by a staph infection that could be contagious. You definitely want to cure that with proper antibiotics ASAP. Just bring her to the vet (even if only this one time) for a proper diagnosis so that you will know what is causing this problem- and if it isn't anything too severe you can freely treat it on you own if it recurs.

Skin problems?
You can try a moisturizing shampoo. Also try to put ointment on her scabs. I've put Band-aid brand antibiotic cleanser on my dog's cuts and scrapes. My Dalmation is always getting scrapes somewhere!

If her skin is really bad maybe your vet can give her a special ointment but it will be costlier than the "human kind".

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