Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why does skin colour matter so much in this world?

I guess all those people who still care about what colour your skin is wasn't in school when they were teaching about the Civil Rights Acts or freedom.

I don't really care what someone's skin colour is, as long as their a nice person, that's all that matters.

I'm half white and I'm half black. That doesn't make me white OR black. I'm a human and I think everybody should be reffered to as one, no matter what your skin colour is.
Why does skin colour matter so much in this world?
You are very right. I'm half black and half white too and I hate how people judge because someones skin is a different shade then theirs. It's just a skin color! It doesn't make them any less human. The racists know that other races (other than theirs) are human, but I'm not sure why they just don't admit it!
Why does skin colour matter so much in this world?
I second this motion......
Reply:Heck yes there is one race and that's the Human. Screw prussian blue (that rhymes)
Reply:i don't think the skin colours matter to me...the only thing that matters me is your heart!!
Reply:As Carl Sagan said, we are all brown, just different shades of brown so there is really no difference between us
Reply:True, true. Why are people so racist?? It's just crazy how people can be about the color of skin.
Reply:Nobody hates the color of ones skin... they hate the stereotypes imposed by their brethren, i.e. black people = loud and obnoxious, hispanics = lazy immigrants, asians = smart with small "members", white people = well, look at GWB and fellow political members... you can thank no one but yourself, also, for prolonging racial debates such as this. (Not trying to be mean, but serious.)
Reply:i'm sure you are talking about those singers "prussian blue" or whatever they are called. their parents did that to them and they have been singing about racism since they are like 8 or 9. hopefully when they get older they will go off to college and evolve into better people. i can't blame them for that. i dont think they are bad people, but just a product of what they were taught from birth.

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