Thursday, March 11, 2010

Skin bleaching agents?

There bare so many skin bleaching agents on the market that don't really work. What do you recommend to be an extremely effective produck for fairer skin. Serious answers only thanks.
Skin bleaching agents?
Tri-hydro-retin cream-only perscribed by a dr.
Skin bleaching agents?
I dont know. I am with you. I have tried one cream and it did not help at all. Sorry
Reply:Retin A will slowly, gradually lift the spots. In the past, this was a prescription only item, however I have purchased it without a prescription on the internet. If you try Retin A, remember to apply it sparingly and lightly (some people have a reaction to it - so be careful not to rub it in vigorously, and use it only on the spots). Remember, this is not a quick fix, it will most likely require a few months of regular use before you begin to see results. If your skin cannot tolerate the Retin A, a more gentle product, that contains Retinols is Neutrogena Anti-Wrinkle Cream. But like the Retin A, it will take at least a few months of regular use before you see results. Both products can cause some redness and stinging (especially at first) depending upon your skin's sensitivities. I have used both products and know that they both work (gradually).
Reply:here's a serious answer from serious users including me.. good skin lightening products don't contain hydroquinone, mercury or steroids, and should be potent enough to show you results.. get them here -

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