well my skin is looking pretty good(my face that is) but a lot of freckles. any tips on how to get rid of them. also what are good skin clenzers?
Skin Tips??
The think Neutrogena has the best, most effective and gentle skin cleansers. They are hypo-allergenic, oil-free and non-comedogenic. For the freckles, you can go to home-remedies-for-you.com. There is a whole section on lightening them and preventing future ones from occurring.
Skin Tips??
freckles are cute. leave them.
Reply:freckles are kisses from angels why would you want to get rid of them. Of course if there on your private area than that is just naughty. I'd say keep em!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Skin problem number 1, help!?
So yea, this is one of my skin problems. At my arm joints where I bend my arms, there is this weird enlarged looking skin. I'm not sure if it's cause by fat or something, but it has these weird pits in it. It's gross, so please help!
Skin problem number 1, help!?
Well I would like to know did u told doctor about this? If is very bad shape then go to Hospital and they might tell u about it. Good luck.
Skin problem number 1, help!?
Well I would like to know did u told doctor about this? If is very bad shape then go to Hospital and they might tell u about it. Good luck.
Skin dried out?
I gave my dog a few flea baths and I'm pretty sure i dried her skin out. Is there anything to help her skin? Someone told me baby oil works ... this true?
Skin dried out?
Bathing can definitely dry out a dogs skin. Every time you bathe a dog you are stripping the natural oils in their fur away. Bathing too often will dry out the skin because there isn't enough time between bathes to build up those oils again. You can bathe a dog once a week, but less would be much better. And In reality, if you brush them very frequently, you will not need to bathe them, unless they get into something really dirty. Brushing can help keep them clean and keep the natural oils where they should be. You can try bathing her again. Use a shampoo with oatmeal and make sure you rinse thoroughly. Then take some conditioner, (the same kind you use is fine), pour it into a cup. If you have a stream setting on your shower set it to that and fill the cup up. This will make the conditioner foamy. Pour over her and work it in thoroughly %26amp; rinse. If you don't rinse all the conditioner out, that's fine as this can also help a bit to keep a little on her.
You can also add fish oils, veggie oils, or olive oil to her diet. If you decide to use veggie or olive oil, be sure not to use too much as these can also act like a laxative.
Another suggestion, try switching her food to something like Solid Gold, Innova, ect. These foods have no by-products, filler, gultens ect in them. Most dog foods you find in the supermakets, vet's offices, pet stores have corn as an ingredient. Corn can be a major allergy in dogs, causing them to have very dry and itchy skin. Food like Solid Gold and the other don't use corn at all in their products.
Skin dried out?
You're very welcome! :o) Report It
Reply:Dogs have natural oils in their coats, and many baths will dry them out. Try adding fish oil to her food. I'm not sure how baby oil is supposed to help. Dog's generally don't need to be bathed but once every couple of months, but when it comes to fleas, it's understandable. There are sprays out there for sensitive skin, if she's itching a lot, I would look into those. If she's not iching a lot, at least she's not uncomfortable.
Reply:Use the Perfect coat, oatmeal shampoo. Really good for the dog's skin. And it was recommended by my dog's vet.
Reply:i have heard that when people do use baby oil it blocks their pores and could not only help to over heat them but make thier skin break out or dry out. i personally dont understand the dry out deal but baby oil is thick and i can see it blocking their pores.
if your dog doesnt have fleas or flea dirt on them you shouldnt use flea shampoo-b/c that is what the shampoo does-dry everything out. try oatmeal dog shampoo or even baby wash-baby wash is VERY gentle and hpoallergenic. i use it for my 3 when they get baths. i give them baths about every 2-3 weeks BUT they are very active outside and roll around sometimes too (GEERRR!) try putting about 1/2 tspn to a full tspn of veg oil in their food-depending on how big your friend is. egg whites can help too but use sparingly b/c of cholesterol-no yolks! and brush them with a soft brush daily to help stimulate their skin and coat to produce oils again. a soft brush tho or else you could damage their skin even more. like a peole brush that has soft bristles or a baby brush. regular massages help too. and make sure the bath water isnt too warm next time. a luke warm bath will do unless your friend has athrites then a little warm would help them feel better. they also have conditioners and cream rinses out there for stuff like this at like petsmart and shops like that. they arent cheap mind you but they do work.
Reply:You may have given her dry skin by giving her too many baths. Dogs should not be bathed too much as it removes their natural body oils. You should have used some kennel dip on her... you just wet the dog down with it to the skin and, unlike a shampoo, it won't dry the skin out, but sill kill the fleas. You should also get a flea comb to comb out the dead fleas and egg casings to see if you really need to re-treat her if you had so many fleas that you felt you had to flea bathe her multiple times.
For the skin, you can get a 10% cortisone spray for dogs, and there's a product I just found - Skin Balm by Happy Jack that might help.
Adding some fish oil to her diet sounded like a good idea too.
Reply:Try adding a tspoon of either Evening Primrose Oil, Salmon Oil, Cod Liver Oil or just plain Vegetable oil. to her meal once a day. This should help to bring back the natural suppleness in the skin.
If you rub baby oil into her skin the coat will become very sticky so I should stay clear of that.
Give the baths a rest for a while until her natural oils are restored.
Skin dried out?
Bathing can definitely dry out a dogs skin. Every time you bathe a dog you are stripping the natural oils in their fur away. Bathing too often will dry out the skin because there isn't enough time between bathes to build up those oils again. You can bathe a dog once a week, but less would be much better. And In reality, if you brush them very frequently, you will not need to bathe them, unless they get into something really dirty. Brushing can help keep them clean and keep the natural oils where they should be. You can try bathing her again. Use a shampoo with oatmeal and make sure you rinse thoroughly. Then take some conditioner, (the same kind you use is fine), pour it into a cup. If you have a stream setting on your shower set it to that and fill the cup up. This will make the conditioner foamy. Pour over her and work it in thoroughly %26amp; rinse. If you don't rinse all the conditioner out, that's fine as this can also help a bit to keep a little on her.
You can also add fish oils, veggie oils, or olive oil to her diet. If you decide to use veggie or olive oil, be sure not to use too much as these can also act like a laxative.
Another suggestion, try switching her food to something like Solid Gold, Innova, ect. These foods have no by-products, filler, gultens ect in them. Most dog foods you find in the supermakets, vet's offices, pet stores have corn as an ingredient. Corn can be a major allergy in dogs, causing them to have very dry and itchy skin. Food like Solid Gold and the other don't use corn at all in their products.
Skin dried out?
You're very welcome! :o) Report It
Reply:Dogs have natural oils in their coats, and many baths will dry them out. Try adding fish oil to her food. I'm not sure how baby oil is supposed to help. Dog's generally don't need to be bathed but once every couple of months, but when it comes to fleas, it's understandable. There are sprays out there for sensitive skin, if she's itching a lot, I would look into those. If she's not iching a lot, at least she's not uncomfortable.
Reply:Use the Perfect coat, oatmeal shampoo. Really good for the dog's skin. And it was recommended by my dog's vet.
Reply:i have heard that when people do use baby oil it blocks their pores and could not only help to over heat them but make thier skin break out or dry out. i personally dont understand the dry out deal but baby oil is thick and i can see it blocking their pores.
if your dog doesnt have fleas or flea dirt on them you shouldnt use flea shampoo-b/c that is what the shampoo does-dry everything out. try oatmeal dog shampoo or even baby wash-baby wash is VERY gentle and hpoallergenic. i use it for my 3 when they get baths. i give them baths about every 2-3 weeks BUT they are very active outside and roll around sometimes too (GEERRR!) try putting about 1/2 tspn to a full tspn of veg oil in their food-depending on how big your friend is. egg whites can help too but use sparingly b/c of cholesterol-no yolks! and brush them with a soft brush daily to help stimulate their skin and coat to produce oils again. a soft brush tho or else you could damage their skin even more. like a peole brush that has soft bristles or a baby brush. regular massages help too. and make sure the bath water isnt too warm next time. a luke warm bath will do unless your friend has athrites then a little warm would help them feel better. they also have conditioners and cream rinses out there for stuff like this at like petsmart and shops like that. they arent cheap mind you but they do work.
Reply:You may have given her dry skin by giving her too many baths. Dogs should not be bathed too much as it removes their natural body oils. You should have used some kennel dip on her... you just wet the dog down with it to the skin and, unlike a shampoo, it won't dry the skin out, but sill kill the fleas. You should also get a flea comb to comb out the dead fleas and egg casings to see if you really need to re-treat her if you had so many fleas that you felt you had to flea bathe her multiple times.
For the skin, you can get a 10% cortisone spray for dogs, and there's a product I just found - Skin Balm by Happy Jack that might help.
Adding some fish oil to her diet sounded like a good idea too.
Reply:Try adding a tspoon of either Evening Primrose Oil, Salmon Oil, Cod Liver Oil or just plain Vegetable oil. to her meal once a day. This should help to bring back the natural suppleness in the skin.
If you rub baby oil into her skin the coat will become very sticky so I should stay clear of that.
Give the baths a rest for a while until her natural oils are restored.
Skin Problems - Yasmin Pill?
Dear all,
I have recently started getting little bumps on my cheeks and forehead and not sure why? I went to my doctor and she changed my pill to Yasmin as she said there were good results for the skin with this pill. I have been on it for going on 2 weeks and my skin has irrupted and now instead of just little bumps I have loads of proper spots on my chin and jawline. Very upsetting...
Any comments or thoughts? Has anyone had the same effect with this pill?
Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
Skin Problems - Yasmin Pill?
You are probably describing hormone related acne. Only one OC is licensed to treat this, Dianette. However I suspect that your own GP, (who sounds very switched on by the way!) like me, prefers not to use it as it has double the VTE (clot) risk of other pills.
Although Yasmin has no acne licence, there is indeed some evidence that it will improve acne in some patients so it was an excellent idea to try it. However all OC including Yasmin can make acne worse, and you seem to be one of the unlucky ones.
If your acne came along only since you started contraception, you could try changing pills once more, or finding another form of contraception. The alternative would be to get separate acne treatment.
Skin Problems - Yasmin Pill?
I am going to finish the first month of this pill and then go to the doctor if it gets worse. Will she what she says. May change to Dianne if she thinks that is ok or try no pill at all. I have gone down the road of anti-biotics and other options but they never work... Report It
Reply:Thanks for all the advice. Very useful. What are people's thoughts of microdermabrasion treatment and NLite? Heard of Dr Murad products. What skincare products or make-up are recommended? My skin is combination, blemishes, but also dry/dehydrated and sensitive. The whole package in one! Report It
Reply:Aldactone works miracles on acne (and facial hair, and androgenic hair loss). Reduces menstrual cramps to almost nothing, and eliminates body odor. Very few, if any, side effects. (Not an O.C.) Report It
Reply:Oh, forgot--the acne gets a little worse for a couple of weeks on Aldactone, then gets better. After 6 months you'll have skin like a baby's (almost). Generic works good too, but not as well as the brand. Report It
Reply:i am thirty and still have acne. about 6 months ago my dr put me on yasmin and i have seen a great improvement (i was originally on dianette but became immune). Maybe your skin had to get worse before it got better? i would stay on it for 2 months and if there is no improvement ask to change tablets. people react differently to medications.
Reply:Sounds like peri-menopause, or premenopause to me.
Reply:hey i changed ta yasmin, my face stayed the same but i got terrible boils on my shoulers and upper arms i was mortified ! they went within a couple of weeks and now my skins fine .
Reply:raw unpasturized apple cider vinegar..
the following 2 testimonials can be seen at http://www.earthclinic.com/cures/acne.ht...
Angelina O, has found that applying ACV topically to her face several times a day (4 or more times) has cured her of a "very bad complexion". She reports that she applies it straight and that while it burns her skin a bit, it still works like a miracle!
you can get it at the health food store, or in some super marktet health food sections. i use bragg vinegar..
good luck
Cheryl writes, "My daughter developed a case of moderate acne, and after trying a number of different things for over a year which helped very little or not at all, she started drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day and applying it topically once at night. She has been acne free for two months. It took about three weeks to clear up."
you can also steam clean your face, heat 1 qt water, add 3 tbpsns acv, drape towel over the pan and your head, let it steam your face, then dab acv with a cotton ball to remove loosened dirt, repeat 2 more times, steaming, then cleaning. then take chilled acv and water, dab it on to tone and close pores..do this weekly..
if you mix it with apple juice, instead of water, to drink, it tastes like apple cider..
Reply:I feel really sorry for you but I would stick with Yasmine for a while longer, sometimes these things get worse before they can get better.
I haven't had this effect on the same pill but I imagine it affects everyone differently. Keep taking it for another month at least, then go back to the Docs if its no better.
Keep doing all the other things to help with your skin, eat lots of fruit and veg, drink LOADS of water, take Zinc, Vitamin B and E, and also Oil of Evening Primrose is meant to be excellant.
On individiual spots dab some fresh lemon juice, it dries them out but don't use too much as you'll then have problems with dry skin!
Best of luck, it will get better.
leather handbag
I have recently started getting little bumps on my cheeks and forehead and not sure why? I went to my doctor and she changed my pill to Yasmin as she said there were good results for the skin with this pill. I have been on it for going on 2 weeks and my skin has irrupted and now instead of just little bumps I have loads of proper spots on my chin and jawline. Very upsetting...
Any comments or thoughts? Has anyone had the same effect with this pill?
Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!
Skin Problems - Yasmin Pill?
You are probably describing hormone related acne. Only one OC is licensed to treat this, Dianette. However I suspect that your own GP, (who sounds very switched on by the way!) like me, prefers not to use it as it has double the VTE (clot) risk of other pills.
Although Yasmin has no acne licence, there is indeed some evidence that it will improve acne in some patients so it was an excellent idea to try it. However all OC including Yasmin can make acne worse, and you seem to be one of the unlucky ones.
If your acne came along only since you started contraception, you could try changing pills once more, or finding another form of contraception. The alternative would be to get separate acne treatment.
Skin Problems - Yasmin Pill?
I am going to finish the first month of this pill and then go to the doctor if it gets worse. Will she what she says. May change to Dianne if she thinks that is ok or try no pill at all. I have gone down the road of anti-biotics and other options but they never work... Report It
Reply:Thanks for all the advice. Very useful. What are people's thoughts of microdermabrasion treatment and NLite? Heard of Dr Murad products. What skincare products or make-up are recommended? My skin is combination, blemishes, but also dry/dehydrated and sensitive. The whole package in one! Report It
Reply:Aldactone works miracles on acne (and facial hair, and androgenic hair loss). Reduces menstrual cramps to almost nothing, and eliminates body odor. Very few, if any, side effects. (Not an O.C.) Report It
Reply:Oh, forgot--the acne gets a little worse for a couple of weeks on Aldactone, then gets better. After 6 months you'll have skin like a baby's (almost). Generic works good too, but not as well as the brand. Report It
Reply:i am thirty and still have acne. about 6 months ago my dr put me on yasmin and i have seen a great improvement (i was originally on dianette but became immune). Maybe your skin had to get worse before it got better? i would stay on it for 2 months and if there is no improvement ask to change tablets. people react differently to medications.
Reply:Sounds like peri-menopause, or premenopause to me.
Reply:hey i changed ta yasmin, my face stayed the same but i got terrible boils on my shoulers and upper arms i was mortified ! they went within a couple of weeks and now my skins fine .
Reply:raw unpasturized apple cider vinegar..
the following 2 testimonials can be seen at http://www.earthclinic.com/cures/acne.ht...
Angelina O, has found that applying ACV topically to her face several times a day (4 or more times) has cured her of a "very bad complexion". She reports that she applies it straight and that while it burns her skin a bit, it still works like a miracle!
you can get it at the health food store, or in some super marktet health food sections. i use bragg vinegar..
good luck
Cheryl writes, "My daughter developed a case of moderate acne, and after trying a number of different things for over a year which helped very little or not at all, she started drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day and applying it topically once at night. She has been acne free for two months. It took about three weeks to clear up."
you can also steam clean your face, heat 1 qt water, add 3 tbpsns acv, drape towel over the pan and your head, let it steam your face, then dab acv with a cotton ball to remove loosened dirt, repeat 2 more times, steaming, then cleaning. then take chilled acv and water, dab it on to tone and close pores..do this weekly..
if you mix it with apple juice, instead of water, to drink, it tastes like apple cider..
Reply:I feel really sorry for you but I would stick with Yasmine for a while longer, sometimes these things get worse before they can get better.
I haven't had this effect on the same pill but I imagine it affects everyone differently. Keep taking it for another month at least, then go back to the Docs if its no better.
Keep doing all the other things to help with your skin, eat lots of fruit and veg, drink LOADS of water, take Zinc, Vitamin B and E, and also Oil of Evening Primrose is meant to be excellant.
On individiual spots dab some fresh lemon juice, it dries them out but don't use too much as you'll then have problems with dry skin!
Best of luck, it will get better.
leather handbag
Skin problem what is this?
Everytime I laugh, get mad, cough, workout, go into the heat, scratch my skin etc. I turn red. My face turns deep red and my chest and arms are all blotchy too. I dont' have high blood pressure, sugar, etc. Does anybody else have this? Is this a skin problem, allergic, something that I am doing.....?
Skin problem what is this?
I have the same problem and it has something to do with adrenalin and blood flow, but is not a health risk. I get blotchy when I am angry, nervous, overheated, etc.
Skin problem what is this?
Maybe an allergic reaction, see a doctor.
Reply:this is just how some people are. Maby you have fair skin or something.
Reply:I believe you may have rosachea - see your doctor it's a pain but not life threatening, go to this website.... www.rosacea-treatment.net
Reply:i know im a med student but there is something that runs in my family called hemophila and it is characterized by your blood not clotting right which can mean you bleed easily and when you get scratched or anything it doesnt go away or you get a bruise its really bad for no reason
this could be something more serious than you were looking for..but just a try!
Reply:it could be something that you are using on your skin or eating. Has this just been happening lately? If so try to remember what new products you might have used, or new foods you might have eaten, stop using/eating them and see if your condition clears up. But if this is something thats been going on for a while I would see your doctor.
Reply:i think it's natural but check the doctor and see wat is it
i cant remember what it is called but eucerin makes a product for easily redded skin. try eckerd they have a large selection. avenno also has a line for this.
Reply:It's normal. Dont worry about it.
Reply:i have it...all the way in soccer and it just a natural thing, fair skin people get it all the time, im fair skin. So chill out, it not anything that is a killer.
Reply:See your dermatologist have a skin test for allergies
Skin problem what is this?
I have the same problem and it has something to do with adrenalin and blood flow, but is not a health risk. I get blotchy when I am angry, nervous, overheated, etc.
Skin problem what is this?
Maybe an allergic reaction, see a doctor.
Reply:this is just how some people are. Maby you have fair skin or something.
Reply:I believe you may have rosachea - see your doctor it's a pain but not life threatening, go to this website.... www.rosacea-treatment.net
Reply:i know im a med student but there is something that runs in my family called hemophila and it is characterized by your blood not clotting right which can mean you bleed easily and when you get scratched or anything it doesnt go away or you get a bruise its really bad for no reason
this could be something more serious than you were looking for..but just a try!
Reply:it could be something that you are using on your skin or eating. Has this just been happening lately? If so try to remember what new products you might have used, or new foods you might have eaten, stop using/eating them and see if your condition clears up. But if this is something thats been going on for a while I would see your doctor.
Reply:i think it's natural but check the doctor and see wat is it
i cant remember what it is called but eucerin makes a product for easily redded skin. try eckerd they have a large selection. avenno also has a line for this.
Reply:It's normal. Dont worry about it.
Reply:i have it...all the way in soccer and it just a natural thing, fair skin people get it all the time, im fair skin. So chill out, it not anything that is a killer.
Reply:See your dermatologist have a skin test for allergies
Skin whitening?
i am really sick of trying to lighten and whiten my skin it has improved from before like its really lightened i've been using lemon, hydrogen peroxide, cucumber juice, but the difference isn't that much. I don't wear sunscreen ever...should i start wearing sunscreen? and do you know any home remedies to be lighter/whiter faster? i really want to know..please
do you know any really great skin lighting cream i can get from a department store?
Skin whitening?
I know a friend of my moms and she uses this remedy, she says it works amazingly great.
most girls in Asia uses this method too to brighten thier skin.
wash your hands good with soap, then take one egg yolk and put it on your face. Leave it on for 15-25 minutes only and wash it off, your skin might not be brightner as soon as you wash it off but your skin will will feel soft and smooth and wait a couple of minutes, and your skin looks brighter but you have to do this as part fo your skincare routine daily in order to make it work.
Skin whitening?
You can try these home remedies to remove tan %26amp; lighten skin:
Mix 1 table spoon of milk powder, 1 table spoon of honey, 1 table spoon of lemon juice, and 陆 table spoon of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. This pack helps bring shine to the skin and also removes tan. Report It
Reply:Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.
Place sliced raw potato on the face. It helps reduce blemishes and other marks. Report It
Reply:Applying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes the tan. Lime juice is natural bleach.
Dried orange peels mixed with curd also help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash off this mixture with cold water after 15 minutes. Report It
Reply:Soak 4 almonds overnight. Grind into a fine paste using milk. Apply on face and neck and leave it overnight. Wash with cold water in the morning. Do this daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week. Report It
Reply:A table spoon of gram flour mixed with 2 table spoon of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice works well for lightening dark skin. Apply this mixture and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off. Repeat for 4 weeks and follow up with once a week. Report It
Reply:Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash with cold water, continue for 15 days.
Apply a mixture of grated tomato with 2-3 drops of lime juice on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing off. Do this twice a day for 15-20 days for best results. Report It
Reply:why do you want to lighten your skin. love your dark skin why do you think everyone is trying to tan?
Reply:Are you African -Canadian
Reply:Call up Michael Jackson, he did a good job.
Tan complexion is better than ghost white.
I am guessing prom or something is coming up and you don't want to be tan but you should be happy you have a tan complexion going right now. Tan is hot.
Reply:I've heard from others that there is a Shiseido cream that comes in a tube that works very well
However, it is very expensive ($115). It would definitely help to wear sunscreen while you're out in the sun. It probably won't make you any lighter, but it will help you to not get darker.
Reply:Why don't you learn to be happy about your skin, just the way it is?
All the people I KNOW go tanning to get darker, and YOU want to get lighter...sheesh.....Who CARES what color your skin is??? Be happy to be alive, that's all you should worry about!
Love yourself, and be the best YOU that you can!
Reply:Why are you trying to lighten your skin - be happy the way you are.
Reply:First of all. love the skin you're in.
But if you're really bent on lightening your skin color, you can try lotions, soaps or creams with the following bleaching ingredients: hydroquinone (usually used for the face, u should get this from dermatologists), licorice (a safe lightening agent), kojic, etc. I lived in the Philippines for 20+ years, where people are obssessed with getting fairer skin. Peels, scrubs, and whitening products are big there. You can try this website --- www.godivaskincare.com --- they sell whitening products.
And don't forget to use sunscreen with high SPF.
Reply:i dont believe there are any remedies or creams that actually work, unless you buy what michale jackson did. but definatly wear sunscreen, it may still tan your skin if your in the sun but without it your face will suffer in the future. always wear sunscreen.
Reply:there is this website called www.skinbleaching.net they offer skin whitening products there
do you know any really great skin lighting cream i can get from a department store?
Skin whitening?
I know a friend of my moms and she uses this remedy, she says it works amazingly great.
most girls in Asia uses this method too to brighten thier skin.
wash your hands good with soap, then take one egg yolk and put it on your face. Leave it on for 15-25 minutes only and wash it off, your skin might not be brightner as soon as you wash it off but your skin will will feel soft and smooth and wait a couple of minutes, and your skin looks brighter but you have to do this as part fo your skincare routine daily in order to make it work.
Skin whitening?
You can try these home remedies to remove tan %26amp; lighten skin:
Mix 1 table spoon of milk powder, 1 table spoon of honey, 1 table spoon of lemon juice, and 陆 table spoon of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. This pack helps bring shine to the skin and also removes tan. Report It
Reply:Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.
Place sliced raw potato on the face. It helps reduce blemishes and other marks. Report It
Reply:Applying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes the tan. Lime juice is natural bleach.
Dried orange peels mixed with curd also help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash off this mixture with cold water after 15 minutes. Report It
Reply:Soak 4 almonds overnight. Grind into a fine paste using milk. Apply on face and neck and leave it overnight. Wash with cold water in the morning. Do this daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week. Report It
Reply:A table spoon of gram flour mixed with 2 table spoon of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice works well for lightening dark skin. Apply this mixture and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off. Repeat for 4 weeks and follow up with once a week. Report It
Reply:Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash with cold water, continue for 15 days.
Apply a mixture of grated tomato with 2-3 drops of lime juice on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing off. Do this twice a day for 15-20 days for best results. Report It
Reply:why do you want to lighten your skin. love your dark skin why do you think everyone is trying to tan?
Reply:Are you African -Canadian
Reply:Call up Michael Jackson, he did a good job.
Tan complexion is better than ghost white.
I am guessing prom or something is coming up and you don't want to be tan but you should be happy you have a tan complexion going right now. Tan is hot.
Reply:I've heard from others that there is a Shiseido cream that comes in a tube that works very well
However, it is very expensive ($115). It would definitely help to wear sunscreen while you're out in the sun. It probably won't make you any lighter, but it will help you to not get darker.
Reply:Why don't you learn to be happy about your skin, just the way it is?
All the people I KNOW go tanning to get darker, and YOU want to get lighter...sheesh.....Who CARES what color your skin is??? Be happy to be alive, that's all you should worry about!
Love yourself, and be the best YOU that you can!
Reply:Why are you trying to lighten your skin - be happy the way you are.
Reply:First of all. love the skin you're in.
But if you're really bent on lightening your skin color, you can try lotions, soaps or creams with the following bleaching ingredients: hydroquinone (usually used for the face, u should get this from dermatologists), licorice (a safe lightening agent), kojic, etc. I lived in the Philippines for 20+ years, where people are obssessed with getting fairer skin. Peels, scrubs, and whitening products are big there. You can try this website --- www.godivaskincare.com --- they sell whitening products.
And don't forget to use sunscreen with high SPF.
Reply:i dont believe there are any remedies or creams that actually work, unless you buy what michale jackson did. but definatly wear sunscreen, it may still tan your skin if your in the sun but without it your face will suffer in the future. always wear sunscreen.
Reply:there is this website called www.skinbleaching.net they offer skin whitening products there
Skin lightener?
i need a lighter skin tone my nateral tone is pink and i have yellow skin now from sun please help ill give the person who helps the best answer!
Skin lightener?
Esoterica....it costs about 7 bucks in any pharmacy.
It works really well
Skin lightener?
stay out of the sun and and wear a 15-30 spf if you do go outside.
Reply:You really don't need a skin lightener. You just need to stay out of the sun for awhile. Now that summer is coming to an end you should naturally go back to your normal coloring.
Reply:1. use safe and potent skin lightening products - no hydroquinone, mercury or steroids AND potent unlike most commercial products showing little or no results at all.. here's a good source-
2. use a high spf (50 or better) sunscreen whenever outdoors..
3. take 500 mg vit. C everyday to enhance skin lightening and suppleness..
the above will give you faster and the most effective results.. i've done it.. :-)
Reply:Stay out of the sun. Apply a sunblock with a high SPF when you must get in the sun. Wash your face with a mildly exfoliating scrub regularly, about every other day. There really aren't any creams or lotions that will help.
Reply:I have no idea. Sorry
Reply:If you want to save on money, stay out of the sun for at least a month. If you really do want to go out, put some sunscreen on. IF you want to speed the process up even more, I recommend Dove or Block and White skin soap and/or lotion. Hope that helps!
Reply:Always wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days. Wear a hat if possible and try to avoid the hottest times during the day 10-3
Reply:go to a pharmacy and go to the skin section. there are LOADS of products. hope i helped.
Skin lightener?
Esoterica....it costs about 7 bucks in any pharmacy.
It works really well
Skin lightener?
stay out of the sun and and wear a 15-30 spf if you do go outside.
Reply:You really don't need a skin lightener. You just need to stay out of the sun for awhile. Now that summer is coming to an end you should naturally go back to your normal coloring.
Reply:1. use safe and potent skin lightening products - no hydroquinone, mercury or steroids AND potent unlike most commercial products showing little or no results at all.. here's a good source-
2. use a high spf (50 or better) sunscreen whenever outdoors..
3. take 500 mg vit. C everyday to enhance skin lightening and suppleness..
the above will give you faster and the most effective results.. i've done it.. :-)
Reply:Stay out of the sun. Apply a sunblock with a high SPF when you must get in the sun. Wash your face with a mildly exfoliating scrub regularly, about every other day. There really aren't any creams or lotions that will help.
Reply:I have no idea. Sorry
Reply:If you want to save on money, stay out of the sun for at least a month. If you really do want to go out, put some sunscreen on. IF you want to speed the process up even more, I recommend Dove or Block and White skin soap and/or lotion. Hope that helps!
Reply:Always wear sunscreen, even on cloudy days. Wear a hat if possible and try to avoid the hottest times during the day 10-3
Reply:go to a pharmacy and go to the skin section. there are LOADS of products. hope i helped.
Need imediate answers! wrinkly skin at 14?
why does the skin on my legs appear wrinkly after i shave them? i am only 14. i also have tiny tiny bits of dry skin on my legs that i can peel off sometimes. it is very weird. if i feelmy legs they are very smooth but they dont look it, you can see dots (of hair) under my skin (i have very dark hair). they feel soft but they dont look freshly shaved even though i shaved 5 mins ago. i also have red bumps but i think many people get them from shaving.
does anyone know why i have wrinkly leg skin at age 14 or red bumps or hair can be seen? is this normal? what should i do?
Thanks x
Need imediate answers! wrinkly skin at 14?
It's probably cellulite. You're fat. Lose weight.
Need imediate answers! wrinkly skin at 14?
You could just be dehydrated. But I am no doctor. I have been dehydrated in the past. One way to tell is if you pull up a small piece of skin and it doesn't bounce back to how it was right away. If this is the case...drink more water. I drink lots of Propell because it has nutrients in it as well...like Gatorade.
does anyone know why i have wrinkly leg skin at age 14 or red bumps or hair can be seen? is this normal? what should i do?
Thanks x
Need imediate answers! wrinkly skin at 14?
It's probably cellulite. You're fat. Lose weight.
Need imediate answers! wrinkly skin at 14?
You could just be dehydrated. But I am no doctor. I have been dehydrated in the past. One way to tell is if you pull up a small piece of skin and it doesn't bounce back to how it was right away. If this is the case...drink more water. I drink lots of Propell because it has nutrients in it as well...like Gatorade.
Skin allergy...the skin on my thumb gets really hard then falls off...?
ive had it for years and all the drs can say is it is a skin allergy. no other place on my body is affected only the thumb. the drs assume it is from some product but it can't be narrowed down. any help or suggestions how to find out what it is
Skin allergy...the skin on my thumb gets really hard then falls off...?
i think you should try expierementing, with the products you use, especially if you use a lot of skin products, another thing is, instead of (IF your wearing lotion) those nice scented bath and body works lotions, try some natural aloe, or try something called Cetaphil.. it works great to retain water in your skin.. hmm maybe thats your problem. but i hope this helped!
Skin allergy...the skin on my thumb gets really hard then falls off...?
i think you should try expierementing, with the products you use, especially if you use a lot of skin products, another thing is, instead of (IF your wearing lotion) those nice scented bath and body works lotions, try some natural aloe, or try something called Cetaphil.. it works great to retain water in your skin.. hmm maybe thats your problem. but i hope this helped!
Skin issue.. help:(? Pics..?
Ok, a little history- I have PCOS/Insulin Resistance and Eczema. My doctor put me on Metformin around a month ago.
Lately I have been getting an awful skin rash.. on my upper and lower arms (both) and on my lower back right around my buttock. The rash have white bumps about the size of the tip of my fingernail, they itch severely. After I scratch it leaves red spots, pinpoint size. After I scratch these pinpoint spots sometimes bleed.. I have left two links below of my arm, the first is to show the white spots mainly the pattern and texture of what they do to my skin. After is the redness, although the pinpoint red spots that are left do not show on camera, you can see the after affect of scratching. I am sorry the pictures suck, its really hard to get the rash to show on my camera properly.
Skin issue.. help:(? Pics..?
you already said you have exzema but you may actually have psoriasis.
Skin issue.. help:(? Pics..?
Please go to a skin Doctor.... He can help you.... @
Reply:These sorta look like an allergic reaction.....best go get this sorted out since you need these medications...
Reply:You need to let your doctor see it and make sure it is not an allergic reaction to the Metformin you are taking.
Reply:Visit the source below. It discusses many different types of skin rashes.
Lately I have been getting an awful skin rash.. on my upper and lower arms (both) and on my lower back right around my buttock. The rash have white bumps about the size of the tip of my fingernail, they itch severely. After I scratch it leaves red spots, pinpoint size. After I scratch these pinpoint spots sometimes bleed.. I have left two links below of my arm, the first is to show the white spots mainly the pattern and texture of what they do to my skin. After is the redness, although the pinpoint red spots that are left do not show on camera, you can see the after affect of scratching. I am sorry the pictures suck, its really hard to get the rash to show on my camera properly.
Skin issue.. help:(? Pics..?
you already said you have exzema but you may actually have psoriasis.
Skin issue.. help:(? Pics..?
Please go to a skin Doctor.... He can help you.... @
Reply:These sorta look like an allergic reaction.....best go get this sorted out since you need these medications...
Reply:You need to let your doctor see it and make sure it is not an allergic reaction to the Metformin you are taking.
Reply:Visit the source below. It discusses many different types of skin rashes.
Skin question!!?
Hi, The back of my calves and the side of my thighs have skin colored bumps on them!! well I know that I got the calve one from tanning but the one on my thigh is kind of scaring me. It looks like my skin is puffed up. I don't know what to do. I've had them for few months now. Since 2006 Summer I believe.
Any info about this will really help me out. I'm gonna go to the doctor soon, but I want to know that yahoo users have to say. Thank You=]
Skin question!!?
I have never seen or herd of anything like that and it sounds really Gross, you should have seen a doctor about it a long time ago.
Any info about this will really help me out. I'm gonna go to the doctor soon, but I want to know that yahoo users have to say. Thank You=]
Skin question!!?
I have never seen or herd of anything like that and it sounds really Gross, you should have seen a doctor about it a long time ago.
Skin color?
my skin gets dark quickly is there any way for my skin to get lighter without staying indoors forever or using some kind of lotion
Skin color?
Your skin is what it is. The ONLY way to prevent darkening is to use sunblock or stay indoors. Sorry!
Skin color?
Emm.. I have really dry skin that causes excema then in the summer I have dark spots were the excema was. I used proactiv even though I knew I didn't have acne to see if that would work and it didn't. I then started using coco butter on my face and hands and that lightens it up a little but not that much. I have tried so many treatments and it seems as though nothing truely, will clear that up..
Reply:There really is no way to make your skin lighter, but here is some advice on how to prevent it from becoming any darker. Use a sunscreen with a strong SPF (such as 50 or above), and make sure that it is water and sweat proof. The stronger the SPF the less likely you will get a lot of color. And re-apply every couple of hours (if you are outdoors for extended hours). Also try to avoid being in the sun between 11 and 1, that is when the sun is the strongest. Another way is to stay out of the sun for long periods of time. I don't mean that you can never go outside, just stay in shaded or covered areas. Hopefully it works, if not, enjoy having a great tan (a tan that many people pay a lot of money for).
Reply:sun tan lotion!
Reply:yea there is a way. All ya gotta do is as soon as you come indoors wash your face with cold water and this may sound crazy but take a cotton ball and apply a tin coat of milk on your face. Don't wash it of. If you are lactose intolerant please email me at bigmouth9012@yahoo.com
fruit baskets
Skin color?
Your skin is what it is. The ONLY way to prevent darkening is to use sunblock or stay indoors. Sorry!
Skin color?
Emm.. I have really dry skin that causes excema then in the summer I have dark spots were the excema was. I used proactiv even though I knew I didn't have acne to see if that would work and it didn't. I then started using coco butter on my face and hands and that lightens it up a little but not that much. I have tried so many treatments and it seems as though nothing truely, will clear that up..
Reply:There really is no way to make your skin lighter, but here is some advice on how to prevent it from becoming any darker. Use a sunscreen with a strong SPF (such as 50 or above), and make sure that it is water and sweat proof. The stronger the SPF the less likely you will get a lot of color. And re-apply every couple of hours (if you are outdoors for extended hours). Also try to avoid being in the sun between 11 and 1, that is when the sun is the strongest. Another way is to stay out of the sun for long periods of time. I don't mean that you can never go outside, just stay in shaded or covered areas. Hopefully it works, if not, enjoy having a great tan (a tan that many people pay a lot of money for).
Reply:sun tan lotion!
Reply:yea there is a way. All ya gotta do is as soon as you come indoors wash your face with cold water and this may sound crazy but take a cotton ball and apply a tin coat of milk on your face. Don't wash it of. If you are lactose intolerant please email me at bigmouth9012@yahoo.com
fruit baskets
Skin problem?
omg i am like 13 and i have this horrible skin problem...it starts out looking like the average pimple but then it turns like purplish
and like the the "bump" formed by the pimple just sorta dies...and like it leaves a hole in my skin . any ideas?
Skin problem?
I would highly recommend you to go to a Dermatologist. They do miracles. I suffered from acne for 5 years, and my acne is cured by using Accutane. I am not kidding. This is not a commercial. The bad side of this pills is that it has horrible side effects like depression, so the Dermatologist would tell what medication is best for you. I wish I have visited the Dermatologist earlier. Although my acne is cured, I have little holes in my face. So the sooner you go the less scars you are going to have.
Skin problem?
nope i have no idea wat is going on with u..srry
Reply:use an acne fighting facial cleanser. Could try Nutragena
Reply:Have you tried Clearasil it really works
Trust me bye
Reply:Use Proactive before you go to see a Dermatologist and dish out way too much money. It worked for me.
and like the the "bump" formed by the pimple just sorta dies...and like it leaves a hole in my skin . any ideas?
Skin problem?
I would highly recommend you to go to a Dermatologist. They do miracles. I suffered from acne for 5 years, and my acne is cured by using Accutane. I am not kidding. This is not a commercial. The bad side of this pills is that it has horrible side effects like depression, so the Dermatologist would tell what medication is best for you. I wish I have visited the Dermatologist earlier. Although my acne is cured, I have little holes in my face. So the sooner you go the less scars you are going to have.
Skin problem?
nope i have no idea wat is going on with u..srry
Reply:use an acne fighting facial cleanser. Could try Nutragena
Reply:Have you tried Clearasil it really works
Trust me bye
Reply:Use Proactive before you go to see a Dermatologist and dish out way too much money. It worked for me.
Skin problem?
im generally in good shape but i can appear to not be since on my stomach and around my hips i have what i thought were stretch marks but im not so sure if they are, they are more like creases in my skin from were the skin creases when i bend over and they just kinda look like lines but unfortunatly they do make my stomach appear much worse than it otherwise would since it is reasonably flat.
i have tried exercise weight loss crunches but that doesnt seem to help. does anyonw know any creams, oils or home recipies to help? i thought coco butter may work but dont have the patience to try unless i am reasonably sure it will work.
if anyone has any solutions as to help fade or get rid of these lines i would be very grateful.
thanks :)
Skin problem?
Skin is a self healing organ (the largest organ in the body), and with assistance and treatment for acne it can recover from even serious acne outbreaks. We have assembled information about how you can have the best complexion possible and stay away from products that are potentially harmful or a waste of time and money.
What can your Skin do?
1. It repairs itself.
2. It is wonderfully elastic and pliable.
3. It registers sensations with such specificity that it lest the brain differentiate among them.
4. It not only feels but also remembers sensations.
5. It is incredibly resilient.
6. It is largely self-cleaning and rarely suffers from lasting infection.
7. It can let in certain important elements even while protecting you from others.
8. Most astonishing of all, our skin is capable of holding in the entire , huge amount of liquid that flows through our bodies.
Read more on Skin Care, Acne and Ane Treatment
Skin problem?
Try the creams and treatments linked below. I've heard great things about strivectin.
Reply:mary kays cellushape has a daytime and night time solution it is about 60.00 for the set and it will last you about 2 months maybe 3 and you will see results within the first 2 to 3 weeks of using it, I do and it works great,good luck!
Reply:You didn't say how old you are :) so it's kinda hard to give an accurate answer! If you are 40 or so (which I am!) I can tell you from experience, that those are probably permanent marks in your skin from many years of wearing jeans, bending over, etc. I have noticed in the past few years that I have "creases" in my skin too, in the very areas that you described. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that as we age our skin loses elasticity and starts to "slide" a little! I am 5'8" tall, and weigh 128 pounds, I have those marks on my stomach/hips and it has nothing to do with being over weight or having a big stomach, as I guess I'm kinda "under weight". Hope this helps answer your question!
PS When I was at the doctor's for a physical and asked about the "lines/marks", I was told by my doctor that there's really nothing I can do about them as far as any lotions or creams. He said just to exercise and try tightening everything up under the skin, but as he pointed out, exercise only tightens/firms up muscles, not skin!!!
Reply:U could try Vitamin E cream. Topical use of Vitamin E is often claimed by manufacturers of skin creams and lotions to play a role in encouraging skin healing and reducing scarring. Whatever u get won't get rid of the marks but completely, but will make it less noticeable. Its likely they won't go away completely. But try the cream anyway and see if you can reduce the appearance of them. Hope this helps. :)
Reply:you try with olive oil . apply it twice a day . Sure there will be
some changes
Reply:Beat egg and milk in a small bowl
with a fork until well mixed. Over
a sink, use your fingers to spread
the mixture all over your face
(avoiding eyes) until skin is coated
with a thin, yellowish liquid layer.
Hold paper towel under chin to
catch drips. Wait until mask is
completely dry and stiff on your face.
Rinse thoroughly with cool water
and pat dry with a towel. Now your
skin should feel toned and look radiant.
1 egg
2 Tbsp. milk
Reply:ZENMED line is especially cool and multi-purposed due to it's multifunctional products aimed at body acne on places such as the back, chest and neck, and facial acne - which we all know is the most common type of acne and is probably the product we are all searching for.
The Zenmed family of products has been well reviewed in high profile magazines such as Allure and Good Housekeeping, and has an excellent track record for permanently treating skin for bad breakouts.
I tried ZENMED Derma Cleanse System for six months, and now after almost two years I have remained acne free! This revolutionary skin care system prevents and treats acne both internally and topically. Above all in three easy steps. I urge anyone with acne or other skin problems to try the ZENMED acne treatment, it REALLY WORKS!
i have tried exercise weight loss crunches but that doesnt seem to help. does anyonw know any creams, oils or home recipies to help? i thought coco butter may work but dont have the patience to try unless i am reasonably sure it will work.
if anyone has any solutions as to help fade or get rid of these lines i would be very grateful.
thanks :)
Skin problem?
Skin is a self healing organ (the largest organ in the body), and with assistance and treatment for acne it can recover from even serious acne outbreaks. We have assembled information about how you can have the best complexion possible and stay away from products that are potentially harmful or a waste of time and money.
What can your Skin do?
1. It repairs itself.
2. It is wonderfully elastic and pliable.
3. It registers sensations with such specificity that it lest the brain differentiate among them.
4. It not only feels but also remembers sensations.
5. It is incredibly resilient.
6. It is largely self-cleaning and rarely suffers from lasting infection.
7. It can let in certain important elements even while protecting you from others.
8. Most astonishing of all, our skin is capable of holding in the entire , huge amount of liquid that flows through our bodies.
Read more on Skin Care, Acne and Ane Treatment
Skin problem?
Try the creams and treatments linked below. I've heard great things about strivectin.
Reply:mary kays cellushape has a daytime and night time solution it is about 60.00 for the set and it will last you about 2 months maybe 3 and you will see results within the first 2 to 3 weeks of using it, I do and it works great,good luck!
Reply:You didn't say how old you are :) so it's kinda hard to give an accurate answer! If you are 40 or so (which I am!) I can tell you from experience, that those are probably permanent marks in your skin from many years of wearing jeans, bending over, etc. I have noticed in the past few years that I have "creases" in my skin too, in the very areas that you described. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that as we age our skin loses elasticity and starts to "slide" a little! I am 5'8" tall, and weigh 128 pounds, I have those marks on my stomach/hips and it has nothing to do with being over weight or having a big stomach, as I guess I'm kinda "under weight". Hope this helps answer your question!
PS When I was at the doctor's for a physical and asked about the "lines/marks", I was told by my doctor that there's really nothing I can do about them as far as any lotions or creams. He said just to exercise and try tightening everything up under the skin, but as he pointed out, exercise only tightens/firms up muscles, not skin!!!
Reply:U could try Vitamin E cream. Topical use of Vitamin E is often claimed by manufacturers of skin creams and lotions to play a role in encouraging skin healing and reducing scarring. Whatever u get won't get rid of the marks but completely, but will make it less noticeable. Its likely they won't go away completely. But try the cream anyway and see if you can reduce the appearance of them. Hope this helps. :)
Reply:you try with olive oil . apply it twice a day . Sure there will be
some changes
Reply:Beat egg and milk in a small bowl
with a fork until well mixed. Over
a sink, use your fingers to spread
the mixture all over your face
(avoiding eyes) until skin is coated
with a thin, yellowish liquid layer.
Hold paper towel under chin to
catch drips. Wait until mask is
completely dry and stiff on your face.
Rinse thoroughly with cool water
and pat dry with a towel. Now your
skin should feel toned and look radiant.
1 egg
2 Tbsp. milk
Reply:ZENMED line is especially cool and multi-purposed due to it's multifunctional products aimed at body acne on places such as the back, chest and neck, and facial acne - which we all know is the most common type of acne and is probably the product we are all searching for.
The Zenmed family of products has been well reviewed in high profile magazines such as Allure and Good Housekeeping, and has an excellent track record for permanently treating skin for bad breakouts.
I tried ZENMED Derma Cleanse System for six months, and now after almost two years I have remained acne free! This revolutionary skin care system prevents and treats acne both internally and topically. Above all in three easy steps. I urge anyone with acne or other skin problems to try the ZENMED acne treatment, it REALLY WORKS!
Skin stings when sunscreen is applies after swimming in chlrorine?
What to do for kids faces that sting when sunscreen applied after swimming in chlorine?
hi, I have 3 boys, ages 14,11 and 9. When they are in chlorinated pools for an extended period of time...ie when on vacation, their skin on their face and neck, sometimes on their arms becomes very red and blotchy and when I apply sunscreen it stings!!!!! This usually happens on about day 2 or 3 of our vacation after prolonged exposure to the pool water. Any suggestions for any barriers that could be applied to their skin to prevent the initial problem from happening or any suggestions at all!!! thanks.
Skin stings when sunscreen is applies after swimming in chlrorine?
I am 11, what is your 11 year old boy's name? I might know him. lol. This happens to my face a lot. sometimes, that means the pool has to much chlorine in it. take out some of the chlhorine. It will make their faces feel much better!
Skin stings when sunscreen is applies after swimming in chlrorine?
I'm not sure how to make the sting go away. As far as I know, it's natural, it happens to me too, I always thought that's just what happenes. They might have sensitive skin though.
hi, I have 3 boys, ages 14,11 and 9. When they are in chlorinated pools for an extended period of time...ie when on vacation, their skin on their face and neck, sometimes on their arms becomes very red and blotchy and when I apply sunscreen it stings!!!!! This usually happens on about day 2 or 3 of our vacation after prolonged exposure to the pool water. Any suggestions for any barriers that could be applied to their skin to prevent the initial problem from happening or any suggestions at all!!! thanks.
Skin stings when sunscreen is applies after swimming in chlrorine?
I am 11, what is your 11 year old boy's name? I might know him. lol. This happens to my face a lot. sometimes, that means the pool has to much chlorine in it. take out some of the chlhorine. It will make their faces feel much better!
Skin stings when sunscreen is applies after swimming in chlrorine?
I'm not sure how to make the sting go away. As far as I know, it's natural, it happens to me too, I always thought that's just what happenes. They might have sensitive skin though.
Skin blemishes enhance after swimming in the pool??
Because of a bad back I have been working out in the pool. But after swimming the blemishes on my face enhance to a stronger pink. I think it鈥檚 because of dry skin, but I鈥檓 not quiet sure?? How can I prevent this?? Do you know of any creams that help the skin repair itself after it has been exposed to chlorine?? Anything applied before and after swim??
Skin blemishes enhance after swimming in the pool??
im sure its the chlorine. Are you outside or is it an indoor pool? If outside, you a strong sunblock that is waterproof. Coppertone Sport aerosol spray is great. Just hold your nose and close your mouth, spray and let it dry. And its best to allow sunblock to set in a few min before going in the sun.
I have always use the Cetaphil Skin Cleansing Bar. It seems like it helps with irritating redness and they have the anit-bacterial kind which is prob good for you. Even with all that Chlorine, theres bacteria in that pool! Good Luck!!
/moth orchid
Skin blemishes enhance after swimming in the pool??
im sure its the chlorine. Are you outside or is it an indoor pool? If outside, you a strong sunblock that is waterproof. Coppertone Sport aerosol spray is great. Just hold your nose and close your mouth, spray and let it dry. And its best to allow sunblock to set in a few min before going in the sun.
I have always use the Cetaphil Skin Cleansing Bar. It seems like it helps with irritating redness and they have the anit-bacterial kind which is prob good for you. Even with all that Chlorine, theres bacteria in that pool! Good Luck!!
/moth orchid
Skin and makeup?
I have quite dry skin and have used lots of moisturisers. But when i put my makeup foundation on, it always looks dry and thick and heavy on my face.
I'm just wondering if you know of a serum to put on your skin before makeup to make it look shiny and smooth. I use the eight hour treatment sometimes and it does the trick but it smells and its a bit too sticky.
I have also used another elizabeth arden serum but its not very good
Skin and makeup?
I have the best product in the world to recommend to you. Search Bee Luscious Cosmetics on line and get their Hydrating cream concentrate it is amazing it hydrates your skin all day long but never leaves a film or greasy, its awesome and if you can also get to try their Liquid Powder Mineral Foundation you will be totally floored at the amazing flawless complexion you will get it is truly the best product to ever be offered to us the consumers. I had searched and searched and gone through so much money spent for nothing then I stumbled across this company and started with one product at a time and now I use everything. I get compliments all the time, I have even had men at the mall stop to ask me what I am wearing because my skin looked so beautiful and they would want to buy it for their wife or girlfriend. It really is AWESOME...
Skin and makeup?
One moisturizer that I have used for several years is Pond's Dry Skin Cream. It's a great moisturizer and it isn't really thick, plus it smells great! When choosing a foundation, use a cream formula, they will moisturize your skin so that it doesn't look cakey. Try Cover Girl's Advanced Radiance Restorative Cream Foundation. It has Olay ingredients and glucosamine complex. It feels great on and smells really good too!
Reply:ponds dry skin cream smells great and does everything your looking for! good luck!
Reply:I use DIOR's Hydraction serum and then my moisturiser. But maybe you should also try a lighter foundation.
I'm just wondering if you know of a serum to put on your skin before makeup to make it look shiny and smooth. I use the eight hour treatment sometimes and it does the trick but it smells and its a bit too sticky.
I have also used another elizabeth arden serum but its not very good
Skin and makeup?
I have the best product in the world to recommend to you. Search Bee Luscious Cosmetics on line and get their Hydrating cream concentrate it is amazing it hydrates your skin all day long but never leaves a film or greasy, its awesome and if you can also get to try their Liquid Powder Mineral Foundation you will be totally floored at the amazing flawless complexion you will get it is truly the best product to ever be offered to us the consumers. I had searched and searched and gone through so much money spent for nothing then I stumbled across this company and started with one product at a time and now I use everything. I get compliments all the time, I have even had men at the mall stop to ask me what I am wearing because my skin looked so beautiful and they would want to buy it for their wife or girlfriend. It really is AWESOME...
Skin and makeup?
One moisturizer that I have used for several years is Pond's Dry Skin Cream. It's a great moisturizer and it isn't really thick, plus it smells great! When choosing a foundation, use a cream formula, they will moisturize your skin so that it doesn't look cakey. Try Cover Girl's Advanced Radiance Restorative Cream Foundation. It has Olay ingredients and glucosamine complex. It feels great on and smells really good too!
Reply:ponds dry skin cream smells great and does everything your looking for! good luck!
Reply:I use DIOR's Hydraction serum and then my moisturiser. But maybe you should also try a lighter foundation.
What is a basic no-frill skin care regimen for my troubled skin?
I have oily skin, with the first signs of aging on my face. I am 28 with moderate to severe acne.
My body skin is oily in places and dry in others. I am prone to skin wounds that are difficult to heal.
What is a no frill skin care regimen I can follow with common drugstore brands?
What is a basic no-frill skin care regimen for my troubled skin?
Common drug store brands are rarely the way to go.
Most will only separate you from your hard earned money while feeding you illusions.
I would suggest that you consider that you have nutritional deficiencies. Read as much Natural health material as you can get your hands on. There is no reason for you to have signs of aging at 28, unless you have neglected or abused yourself.
If you smoke, or drink, stop.
The best suggestions I can give you are to
eliminate all the junk from your diet
start eating lots of fresh (only fresh, not canned or even frozen) veggies, steamed
small amounts of lean protien without hormones added
drink lots of clear water
In addition to an excellent high quality multi vitamin/mineral supplement, take beta-carotene mega-doses everyday ( your body converts this to vitamin A, on an as needed basis, helping to avoid the problems of vit. A toxicity. This both helps clear the acne, and help the skin heal from any sort of wound.
If you cannot get beta cartotene at a reasonable price locally, then vitamin A capsules. Look up the maximum dose, on a website like medline. Take a high dose, but do not exceed the max dose. Toxicity is bad news.
Here is about the only the only common drug store recommendation I can make:
Kirk's castille soap ( castille soap has no animal products and is pure) You may even find it at your grocery store, or if necessary can buy it online, but more expensive that way. About $1 per bar.
Kroger's usually has it in a little space near the mega-corp bar soaps.
Queen Helen Mint Julep masque for your face. Walgreens usually has this. It is magic in a tube. Very basic stuff. No ad campaign necessary. About $3 per tube.
What is a basic no-frill skin care regimen for my troubled skin?
Stop putting crap on your face. Use a soap that will leave your face clean without leaving lotion on it. I recommend Zest (aqua) twice a day. Eat a good balanced diet.
Reply:Cetaphil cleanser 2x a day - it is very gentle and won't make you breakout more.
Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Defense Face Lotion 1x a day - in the morning- it has salycilic acid, an acne fighter in it. You need to have a salycilic acid treatment that stays on your face all day in order for it to be effective. This lotion will treat your dry spots.
Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne Treatment 2x a day on acne only - This is a benzoyl peroxide treatment that will clear up breakouts. It is only 2.5% strength, but I believe less is more for benzoyl peroxide. Maximum strength makes your skin red and itchy.
That is it! If you use a foundation, you can use one for oily skin, but make sure it doesn't have any acne clearing medication or "fresheners" in it. You don't want to double up on the medicine.
Reply:If you use turmeric paste it would have out standing results. Get raw Turmeric and grind a small stick into a wet paste. The paste should not be very thick meaning little water should be used. Hand grind it as it is a very small amount required. Apply a thin layer over the affected area and wash it off after a few hours like any other face pack. The longer the better. It would leave an yellowish colour for a day or so. But it has outstanding results. This is a very ancient and an effective Indian remedy. Best of luck.
Reply:Oily Skin Treatment
When the sebaceous glands in the body produce excess sebum, your skin turns oilier. Due to this skin condition you are most prone to face problems such as acne, whiteheads, blackheads, etc. Therefore due care should be taken on a regular basis to reduce the chances of developing skin diseases.
Daily, mix 1 tablespoon of limejuice with cucumber juice and ...
My body skin is oily in places and dry in others. I am prone to skin wounds that are difficult to heal.
What is a no frill skin care regimen I can follow with common drugstore brands?
What is a basic no-frill skin care regimen for my troubled skin?
Common drug store brands are rarely the way to go.
Most will only separate you from your hard earned money while feeding you illusions.
I would suggest that you consider that you have nutritional deficiencies. Read as much Natural health material as you can get your hands on. There is no reason for you to have signs of aging at 28, unless you have neglected or abused yourself.
If you smoke, or drink, stop.
The best suggestions I can give you are to
eliminate all the junk from your diet
start eating lots of fresh (only fresh, not canned or even frozen) veggies, steamed
small amounts of lean protien without hormones added
drink lots of clear water
In addition to an excellent high quality multi vitamin/mineral supplement, take beta-carotene mega-doses everyday ( your body converts this to vitamin A, on an as needed basis, helping to avoid the problems of vit. A toxicity. This both helps clear the acne, and help the skin heal from any sort of wound.
If you cannot get beta cartotene at a reasonable price locally, then vitamin A capsules. Look up the maximum dose, on a website like medline. Take a high dose, but do not exceed the max dose. Toxicity is bad news.
Here is about the only the only common drug store recommendation I can make:
Kirk's castille soap ( castille soap has no animal products and is pure) You may even find it at your grocery store, or if necessary can buy it online, but more expensive that way. About $1 per bar.
Kroger's usually has it in a little space near the mega-corp bar soaps.
Queen Helen Mint Julep masque for your face. Walgreens usually has this. It is magic in a tube. Very basic stuff. No ad campaign necessary. About $3 per tube.
What is a basic no-frill skin care regimen for my troubled skin?
Stop putting crap on your face. Use a soap that will leave your face clean without leaving lotion on it. I recommend Zest (aqua) twice a day. Eat a good balanced diet.
Reply:Cetaphil cleanser 2x a day - it is very gentle and won't make you breakout more.
Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Defense Face Lotion 1x a day - in the morning- it has salycilic acid, an acne fighter in it. You need to have a salycilic acid treatment that stays on your face all day in order for it to be effective. This lotion will treat your dry spots.
Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne Treatment 2x a day on acne only - This is a benzoyl peroxide treatment that will clear up breakouts. It is only 2.5% strength, but I believe less is more for benzoyl peroxide. Maximum strength makes your skin red and itchy.
That is it! If you use a foundation, you can use one for oily skin, but make sure it doesn't have any acne clearing medication or "fresheners" in it. You don't want to double up on the medicine.
Reply:If you use turmeric paste it would have out standing results. Get raw Turmeric and grind a small stick into a wet paste. The paste should not be very thick meaning little water should be used. Hand grind it as it is a very small amount required. Apply a thin layer over the affected area and wash it off after a few hours like any other face pack. The longer the better. It would leave an yellowish colour for a day or so. But it has outstanding results. This is a very ancient and an effective Indian remedy. Best of luck.
Reply:Oily Skin Treatment
When the sebaceous glands in the body produce excess sebum, your skin turns oilier. Due to this skin condition you are most prone to face problems such as acne, whiteheads, blackheads, etc. Therefore due care should be taken on a regular basis to reduce the chances of developing skin diseases.
Daily, mix 1 tablespoon of limejuice with cucumber juice and ...
What are those dead skin that peels off after you shawer?
In Korea, they peel off their dead skin by taking a hot bath, and scrubbing their skin with green mittens (anyone know what I'm talking about? It's called uh.... "teh")
So, what are those things that peels off? Our dead skin?
If so, is it because we're growing new skin underneith?
What are those dead skin that peels off after you shawer?
The above responders said it well.. Those dead skin are called '霑?#039; (ddeh) and those mittens are often called '霑?靾橁贝' (ddeh sugun - towel,) and they come in red too. You can think of how people scrub their faces with cleansers that have small bead-like things in them and how those dead skin cells not only lie in our face, but over our bodies as well.
What are those dead skin that peels off after you shawer?
Yes it is dead skin. Everyday your skin dies and microscopic particles fall off. Everyday you are growing new skin cells. This process just speeds up the process to keep your skin feeling soft and new.
Reply:yeah its dead skin and its pretty much just lying there cuz the new skin is growing. so yeah u got it down =]
Reply:in korean its 霑?br>
It's like dirty, dead skin cells which you have to scrub to get off.
when it forms together, it's visible and looks dirty.
It forms mostly on elbows and places on skin where there are creases.
cells die all the time. and new cells and tissue replace it underneath. and then we scrub off the dead, dirty skin cells.
hope that helped :D
Reply:those are bath mitts. i use em too, they come in different fabrics in america, just go to the beauty section of any store or local chemist. i love those things, your skin feels so soft and rejuvenated once you're done. but yea its basically to get all those dead skin cells, and your skin does look 10x cleaner after using one.
So, what are those things that peels off? Our dead skin?
If so, is it because we're growing new skin underneith?
What are those dead skin that peels off after you shawer?
The above responders said it well.. Those dead skin are called '霑?#039; (ddeh) and those mittens are often called '霑?靾橁贝' (ddeh sugun - towel,) and they come in red too. You can think of how people scrub their faces with cleansers that have small bead-like things in them and how those dead skin cells not only lie in our face, but over our bodies as well.
What are those dead skin that peels off after you shawer?
Yes it is dead skin. Everyday your skin dies and microscopic particles fall off. Everyday you are growing new skin cells. This process just speeds up the process to keep your skin feeling soft and new.
Reply:yeah its dead skin and its pretty much just lying there cuz the new skin is growing. so yeah u got it down =]
Reply:in korean its 霑?br>
It's like dirty, dead skin cells which you have to scrub to get off.
when it forms together, it's visible and looks dirty.
It forms mostly on elbows and places on skin where there are creases.
cells die all the time. and new cells and tissue replace it underneath. and then we scrub off the dead, dirty skin cells.
hope that helped :D
Reply:those are bath mitts. i use em too, they come in different fabrics in america, just go to the beauty section of any store or local chemist. i love those things, your skin feels so soft and rejuvenated once you're done. but yea its basically to get all those dead skin cells, and your skin does look 10x cleaner after using one.
Bare minerals for dry skin?
I am thinking about buying Bare minerals.I have dry skin and i get acne sometimes, mostly around my period. Does it make your skin look even more dry? Anybody who has acne and dry skin please answer. Good experiences or bad? Does anybody who has this kind of skin hate Bare minerals makeup?
Bare minerals for dry skin?
I wouldn't use bare minerals for dry skin. It is not customized for different skin types. Basically it is for normal skin, not oily or dry. Plus Bare Minerals is a pore clogger, which will just make your skin worse. I would try Everyday Minerals. There different formulas for different skin types. For you I would recommend Original Glo or Semi-matte. I had really dry skin when I started using Everyday Minerals and I used Original Glo. Now I moved up to Semi-matte because the makeup is moisturizing.
Bare minerals for dry skin?
not true, because bare minerals was made for dry, oily and combination skin, i kno the CEO of bare minerals and i work with this make up everyday. you can use bare minerals on dry skin, its 100% natural and it will heal your skin, its a treatment and make up in one. Report It
Reply:I used Bare Minerals on my dry skin and it made it itchy and flaky. It didn't heal it at all. The reason it is healing is because of the minerals so all mineral makeups do that. BM has bismuth in it too, a filler that can cause itchyness, and allergic reaction. Report It
Reply:Also, Everyday minerals has different formulas. They have only 4 natural ingredients and NO fillers. I LOVE their original glo and much wider selection of shades at a better price. Also lasts longer. Report It
Reply:yea girl
Reply:The bare minerals may dry your skin more but there are many brands that use ingredients like silk powder which can regulate moisture on skin. Try erveryday minerals at everydayminerals.com
Reply:you'll want to put on a moisturizer before applying the makeup. the bare minerals makeup is good for any skin type. if you do have acne i would definitely recommend this makeup. my skin has cleared up immensely since i started using it which has been for about 4 years now. my mom has the same problem with acne and she uses the makeup. it has helped her too. it also covers up any blemishes better than liquid makeup.
Reply:Most bare minerals dry your skin, you should use moisturizers instead. Find one with vitamins in it.
Reply:Loreal has a mineral foundation you can buy at Wal-mart to see if you like the feel of it. It makes my skin feel a little oily so it may be great on yours- I paid 18.00 for it. Then you wouldn't have to order the bare minerals and wait to get it. I love the coverage and the finish it gives. easy to match to your skin tone too and no problems with breakouts while using it. Good Luck
Reply:I love Bare Minerals my skin looking so much better. It almost a year now
Bare minerals for dry skin?
I wouldn't use bare minerals for dry skin. It is not customized for different skin types. Basically it is for normal skin, not oily or dry. Plus Bare Minerals is a pore clogger, which will just make your skin worse. I would try Everyday Minerals. There different formulas for different skin types. For you I would recommend Original Glo or Semi-matte. I had really dry skin when I started using Everyday Minerals and I used Original Glo. Now I moved up to Semi-matte because the makeup is moisturizing.
Bare minerals for dry skin?
not true, because bare minerals was made for dry, oily and combination skin, i kno the CEO of bare minerals and i work with this make up everyday. you can use bare minerals on dry skin, its 100% natural and it will heal your skin, its a treatment and make up in one. Report It
Reply:I used Bare Minerals on my dry skin and it made it itchy and flaky. It didn't heal it at all. The reason it is healing is because of the minerals so all mineral makeups do that. BM has bismuth in it too, a filler that can cause itchyness, and allergic reaction. Report It
Reply:Also, Everyday minerals has different formulas. They have only 4 natural ingredients and NO fillers. I LOVE their original glo and much wider selection of shades at a better price. Also lasts longer. Report It
Reply:yea girl
Reply:The bare minerals may dry your skin more but there are many brands that use ingredients like silk powder which can regulate moisture on skin. Try erveryday minerals at everydayminerals.com
Reply:you'll want to put on a moisturizer before applying the makeup. the bare minerals makeup is good for any skin type. if you do have acne i would definitely recommend this makeup. my skin has cleared up immensely since i started using it which has been for about 4 years now. my mom has the same problem with acne and she uses the makeup. it has helped her too. it also covers up any blemishes better than liquid makeup.
Reply:Most bare minerals dry your skin, you should use moisturizers instead. Find one with vitamins in it.
Reply:Loreal has a mineral foundation you can buy at Wal-mart to see if you like the feel of it. It makes my skin feel a little oily so it may be great on yours- I paid 18.00 for it. Then you wouldn't have to order the bare minerals and wait to get it. I love the coverage and the finish it gives. easy to match to your skin tone too and no problems with breakouts while using it. Good Luck
Reply:I love Bare Minerals my skin looking so much better. It almost a year now
Help! Dry Skin and Makeup Problem!?
I live in PA and its incredibly cold right now, making my skin flake...when i put on my usual clarins foundation (or any other) you can see every single flake of skin adn it literally looks like my skin is sandpaper. i've been lotioning and trying to clear up the dryness, but my question is this:
What will show the dryness less: a powder like Bare Minerals or some other form of foundation?
Help! Dry Skin and Makeup Problem!?
why don't you just drink a lot of water, put on a good moisturizer, and exfoliate once a week? i used to have that problem until i started to exfoliate.
don't use powder because it will make your skin look dryer. i recommend using a tinted moisturizer and massaging it into your skin.
Help! Dry Skin and Makeup Problem!?
i need to know the answer also, i'm in california and my skin is showing dry spots too. maybe a change in my body but i still want to combat the dryness. good luck.
Reply:i have used so many things to get rid of my nasty dry skin. On the other situation and i used my own skin tone face makeup.
Reply:Try Cetaphil cream, not the lotion but the CREAM. It absorbs pretty quickly, it's not greasy and it will keep your skin hydrated for a long while. Oh, and it won't gunk up your pores either. Another plus is that a little goes a long way, a huge jar will cost about $14 bucks but it will last FOREVER!
Good luck!
Reply:Try to drink extra water to help hydrate your skin from the inside. Get a humidifier to put in your bedroom at night so the air you are in is not dry. This will really help your skin!
Reply:I work as a proactiv call rep.
and what it sounds like is you may just need a moisterizer...
proactiv has 2 different ones...
we have a green tea moisturizer which is a feather light moisturizerthat absorbs instantly, delivering deep hydration to dry, tired skin.
it wont clog your pores or leave you skin feeling greasy....
you can wear alone or under makeup....
than we have an oil free moisterizer with spf 15....
which is designed to keep skin healthy and hydrated...
it kinda has the same benifets as the green tea, but it also protects you skin from the sun aswell...
if you a club member its 19.95 each
but retail price (kiosk in mall) can run you up to 25.00
and with your foundation problem...
alot of foundations have heavy oils that actually clog your pores and my look like its caked on your face...
proactiv has 3 different tipes of foundations that are all oil free....
if your more into the compact foundations
we have a sheer finish compact foundation in 5 different colors....
its a light, oil-free foundation glides on smooth like a liquid.it contains a special formula to absorb extra surface oil, plus salicylic acid to penetrate deep into pores to help stop acene at its source...
than we have a sheer tint moisturizer with spf 15 in 3 different colors.....
it has the same benifets as the sheer finish, but it has a sunscreen that protects you skin from the sun = )
these are more of the foundation types of products we have, plus we have a sheer finish loose powder, a translucent pressed powder, and a spot concealer plus....
if you have any questions just ask
take care alyssa = )
Reply:Whenever I have this problem, it's usually because it's the change of weather. Do your best to clean your face often. Drink plenty of water and exercise! Sometimes that extra blood circulation can help you not only shed pounds but those extra itchy, flaky skin cells that you need to get rid of! Best of Luck!
purchase flowers
What will show the dryness less: a powder like Bare Minerals or some other form of foundation?
Help! Dry Skin and Makeup Problem!?
why don't you just drink a lot of water, put on a good moisturizer, and exfoliate once a week? i used to have that problem until i started to exfoliate.
don't use powder because it will make your skin look dryer. i recommend using a tinted moisturizer and massaging it into your skin.
Help! Dry Skin and Makeup Problem!?
i need to know the answer also, i'm in california and my skin is showing dry spots too. maybe a change in my body but i still want to combat the dryness. good luck.
Reply:i have used so many things to get rid of my nasty dry skin. On the other situation and i used my own skin tone face makeup.
Reply:Try Cetaphil cream, not the lotion but the CREAM. It absorbs pretty quickly, it's not greasy and it will keep your skin hydrated for a long while. Oh, and it won't gunk up your pores either. Another plus is that a little goes a long way, a huge jar will cost about $14 bucks but it will last FOREVER!
Good luck!
Reply:Try to drink extra water to help hydrate your skin from the inside. Get a humidifier to put in your bedroom at night so the air you are in is not dry. This will really help your skin!
Reply:I work as a proactiv call rep.
and what it sounds like is you may just need a moisterizer...
proactiv has 2 different ones...
we have a green tea moisturizer which is a feather light moisturizerthat absorbs instantly, delivering deep hydration to dry, tired skin.
it wont clog your pores or leave you skin feeling greasy....
you can wear alone or under makeup....
than we have an oil free moisterizer with spf 15....
which is designed to keep skin healthy and hydrated...
it kinda has the same benifets as the green tea, but it also protects you skin from the sun aswell...
if you a club member its 19.95 each
but retail price (kiosk in mall) can run you up to 25.00
and with your foundation problem...
alot of foundations have heavy oils that actually clog your pores and my look like its caked on your face...
proactiv has 3 different tipes of foundations that are all oil free....
if your more into the compact foundations
we have a sheer finish compact foundation in 5 different colors....
its a light, oil-free foundation glides on smooth like a liquid.it contains a special formula to absorb extra surface oil, plus salicylic acid to penetrate deep into pores to help stop acene at its source...
than we have a sheer tint moisturizer with spf 15 in 3 different colors.....
it has the same benifets as the sheer finish, but it has a sunscreen that protects you skin from the sun = )
these are more of the foundation types of products we have, plus we have a sheer finish loose powder, a translucent pressed powder, and a spot concealer plus....
if you have any questions just ask
take care alyssa = )
Reply:Whenever I have this problem, it's usually because it's the change of weather. Do your best to clean your face often. Drink plenty of water and exercise! Sometimes that extra blood circulation can help you not only shed pounds but those extra itchy, flaky skin cells that you need to get rid of! Best of Luck!
purchase flowers
Dry sensitive Skin and I'm not supposed to use a moisturizer. Please help.?
Hi, I have a very sensitive skin and my skin is extremely dry. I'm not supposed to use a moisturizer because I start to get a lot of pimple like protrusions immediately. Unfortunately due to personal problems, I wont be able to meet a doctor for the next few weeks. Now what do I do, since my skin is extremely dry.
Dry sensitive Skin and I'm not supposed to use a moisturizer. Please help.?
There are a few things to do:
1. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated
2. Reduce how often you shower or bathe. Showers are better with lukewarm water. Hot water dries out the skin.
3. Replace your soap with a mild cleanser like cetaphyl.
Not much else i can suggest that isn't a "moisturizer".
Dry sensitive Skin and I'm not supposed to use a moisturizer. Please help.?
I have used Ponds cold cream most of my adult life. Put it on your face at night and tissue it off. It cleans your pores and softens your skin. Give it a try.
I believe it is getting popular again because they have redesigned the containers and make several different kinds.
My daughter had really bad acne until she started using it. She said it was too thick or something. But then she started using it and her skin cleared up.
Reply:ask a doctor
Reply:try eating more plain yougurt, it's good for your skin
only wash your face once a day
you can try using nutregena sensitive skin moisturizer, it might work for your type of skin
good luck
Reply:If you are allergic to moisturizer...try the natural way to keep away from dry skin..like try using fresh cucumber/ aloe..this can soothe ur skin until u r able to meet a doctor in the next couple of weeks...
Dry sensitive Skin and I'm not supposed to use a moisturizer. Please help.?
There are a few things to do:
1. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated
2. Reduce how often you shower or bathe. Showers are better with lukewarm water. Hot water dries out the skin.
3. Replace your soap with a mild cleanser like cetaphyl.
Not much else i can suggest that isn't a "moisturizer".
Dry sensitive Skin and I'm not supposed to use a moisturizer. Please help.?
I have used Ponds cold cream most of my adult life. Put it on your face at night and tissue it off. It cleans your pores and softens your skin. Give it a try.
I believe it is getting popular again because they have redesigned the containers and make several different kinds.
My daughter had really bad acne until she started using it. She said it was too thick or something. But then she started using it and her skin cleared up.
Reply:ask a doctor
Reply:try eating more plain yougurt, it's good for your skin
only wash your face once a day
you can try using nutregena sensitive skin moisturizer, it might work for your type of skin
good luck
Reply:If you are allergic to moisturizer...try the natural way to keep away from dry skin..like try using fresh cucumber/ aloe..this can soothe ur skin until u r able to meet a doctor in the next couple of weeks...
What drys out skin more? Soap or Oxypads?
In the winter I usually wash my face with soap in the shower each morning, and then rinse my face with water and use an oxypad at night. This winter my face seems to be way dryer than normal. So I've been using this oil-free moisturizer that's medicated to prevent pimples whenever I have dry skin on my face. I think I may have messed up though because now my skin is breaking out in pimples in a few places (nothing major, but still), and I have dry skin just after I wash my face. I have grad photos in about a week so I want to look good for that. I realize they edit the photos though, so it's not that big of a deal. I would just prefer to look nice, you know? But anyways.. I want to keep using oxypads because they've always wokred to keep my face clear. But I obviously don't want to stop using soap on my face. So I figure I'll either use soap twice a day, or use oxypads and water twice. Which one is cauing dry skin and which will help make my pimples go away? Thanks
What drys out skin more? Soap or Oxypads?
Oxy pads have salicylic acid, which is definitely known to dry out skin. But if you use a moisturizer afterwards, it should cancel the dryness effect!
Regular soap can make acne worse, by the way. You should get a soap-free cleanser like Cetaphil or Spectro Gel.
What drys out skin more? Soap or Oxypads?
Soaps tend to dry out the skin a bit. There aren't many hydrating ingredients in them to keep the skin moisturized. Many acne products tend to dry out the skin and adding a moisturizer will help. Try finding a moisturizer without it being medicated it will soothe the skin more. Switch the soap to a cleanser that has hydrating quality and won't strip the skin natural oils. Neutrogena oil free acne wash or biore pore cleaning scrub are a good choice.
What drys out skin more? Soap or Oxypads?
Oxy pads have salicylic acid, which is definitely known to dry out skin. But if you use a moisturizer afterwards, it should cancel the dryness effect!
Regular soap can make acne worse, by the way. You should get a soap-free cleanser like Cetaphil or Spectro Gel.
What drys out skin more? Soap or Oxypads?
Soaps tend to dry out the skin a bit. There aren't many hydrating ingredients in them to keep the skin moisturized. Many acne products tend to dry out the skin and adding a moisturizer will help. Try finding a moisturizer without it being medicated it will soothe the skin more. Switch the soap to a cleanser that has hydrating quality and won't strip the skin natural oils. Neutrogena oil free acne wash or biore pore cleaning scrub are a good choice.
Question about dry skin?
okay so a couple things...
1: i rarely get dry skin, but i have a few red bumps in a small area on my calf that itch sometimes, is that dry skin? (there isnt any cracking or bleeding in the area)
2: if it is, can i shave over it? i usually dont shave that much in the winter, but im going to florida for winter break and i need to shave... (i always use lotion after i shave, incase that helps...)
3: if it is dry skin, what are the best lotions to use? i use aveeno right now, and i have pretty sensitive skin
ill choose a best answer (:
Question about dry skin?
It sounds more like a little rash to me if its itching and you don't have it anywhere else on your body. I would use a rash cream and if it doesn't clear up see a doctor.
Question about dry skin?
uh just buy any lotion that is 4 dry skin
Reply:yeh prob is dry skin you COULD as your doctor for a cream to get rid of it....but i think you should use Dove moisterizing soap on your face and body and put moisterixer on the specific spots that get dry but dont overdo it else youll get spots! also use one of those body puffs that exfoliate your skin will help keep fresh skin
Reply:serious skin care is a must to have a pimple free face and a healthy looking skin. the best way to keep the skin clean is to be able to stay away form moisture robbers like the sun, dry air and other dehydrating products. keep the skin moist all day and keep it hydrated by drinking adequate amount of water. an all natural moisturizer can be of great help in retaining the skin's moisture and rejuvenating the skin. healthy habits can also pave way to a healthy skin. for more tips on good skin care visit http://www.skinsosilky.com
1: i rarely get dry skin, but i have a few red bumps in a small area on my calf that itch sometimes, is that dry skin? (there isnt any cracking or bleeding in the area)
2: if it is, can i shave over it? i usually dont shave that much in the winter, but im going to florida for winter break and i need to shave... (i always use lotion after i shave, incase that helps...)
3: if it is dry skin, what are the best lotions to use? i use aveeno right now, and i have pretty sensitive skin
ill choose a best answer (:
Question about dry skin?
It sounds more like a little rash to me if its itching and you don't have it anywhere else on your body. I would use a rash cream and if it doesn't clear up see a doctor.
Question about dry skin?
uh just buy any lotion that is 4 dry skin
Reply:yeh prob is dry skin you COULD as your doctor for a cream to get rid of it....but i think you should use Dove moisterizing soap on your face and body and put moisterixer on the specific spots that get dry but dont overdo it else youll get spots! also use one of those body puffs that exfoliate your skin will help keep fresh skin
Reply:serious skin care is a must to have a pimple free face and a healthy looking skin. the best way to keep the skin clean is to be able to stay away form moisture robbers like the sun, dry air and other dehydrating products. keep the skin moist all day and keep it hydrated by drinking adequate amount of water. an all natural moisturizer can be of great help in retaining the skin's moisture and rejuvenating the skin. healthy habits can also pave way to a healthy skin. for more tips on good skin care visit http://www.skinsosilky.com
Horrible facial skin.... please help!?
I have horrible skin - I am light skinned, black, and have blackheads, some pimples, acne marks, and fine facial hair. My nose has blackheads, too. I have tried Proactive (it irritated my skin) and AcneFree. I use Cetaphil now and apply witch hazel afterwards and then a cream with Benzoyl Peroxide in it. I admit my diet isn't what it should be, but that's due to my living conditions (no fridge). I do take vitamins though. I am also not able to get to a derm b/c I am on welfare's medical coverage and all of the derms around me don't take it. The ones that do have offices too far and I have no way to get back and forth. So I am asking for those that KNOW to give me a regimen. Water, I know, but what else???? Please help. I sing and wanted to go on American Idol when it comes to a city near me (Philly) but not like this....
Horrible facial skin.... please help!?
See a skin care specialist, either a dermatologist or an esthetician. Dermatologists will usually prescribe medications and maybe a cleanser that will help with your problem. Estheticians will provide you with facial treatments geared towards your current skin condition. They will recommend products to use at home that will help clear your skin. Good luck!
Horrible facial skin.... please help!?
This is what to do,
go to your local doctor tell him about your black heads and show him to. he will then give you some tablets to help them go. my sister has black heads to and the doctors help worked! give it a try! good luck! :D
Reply:Why dun try to use "Forever Living"? It's famous in worldwide %26amp; this brand is good for skin %26amp; health, my favor products are:
Eat %26amp; Drink: Aloe Drinks, Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly
Skin Care: All of them
Personal Care: Bright Tooth gel, Aloe MPD
Weight Loss: Garainia Plus, Lite Ultra
I use this brand around 2.5months, it鈥檚 really help me to improve my skin, less spots %26amp; pimples, click to SEE PHOTO http://hk.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/icutedi...
Products information, kindly check as below website %26amp; select country:
Hope can share with you %26amp; wish you have success business!
P.S. When you join Forever Living, pls fill in my sponsor number: 852000812602. Thanks!
leather handbag
Horrible facial skin.... please help!?
See a skin care specialist, either a dermatologist or an esthetician. Dermatologists will usually prescribe medications and maybe a cleanser that will help with your problem. Estheticians will provide you with facial treatments geared towards your current skin condition. They will recommend products to use at home that will help clear your skin. Good luck!
Horrible facial skin.... please help!?
This is what to do,
go to your local doctor tell him about your black heads and show him to. he will then give you some tablets to help them go. my sister has black heads to and the doctors help worked! give it a try! good luck! :D
Reply:Why dun try to use "Forever Living"? It's famous in worldwide %26amp; this brand is good for skin %26amp; health, my favor products are:
Eat %26amp; Drink: Aloe Drinks, Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly
Skin Care: All of them
Personal Care: Bright Tooth gel, Aloe MPD
Weight Loss: Garainia Plus, Lite Ultra
I use this brand around 2.5months, it鈥檚 really help me to improve my skin, less spots %26amp; pimples, click to SEE PHOTO http://hk.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/icutedi...
Products information, kindly check as below website %26amp; select country:
Hope can share with you %26amp; wish you have success business!
P.S. When you join Forever Living, pls fill in my sponsor number: 852000812602. Thanks!
leather handbag
Question about skin cancer and skin discoloration?
About 2 years ago, I noticed a light brown spot about half the size of a dime appearing on my right cheek directly under my right eye. I didn't think anything of it at first because it was really light, and it wasn't raised.
It's since gotten darker gradually but not much. Maybe 1 shade darker. BUT about 5 days ago, I noticed it was starting to look raised, and the skin was of a different texture (only slightly) in that area.
I do not have a family practitioner currently.
Is there a WEBSITE that anyone knows of for skin cancer that I can compare different images to what I have, BEFORE I go to a doctor and panic?
And do you think this is worth worrying about? Or am I being paranoid?
Question about skin cancer and skin discoloration?
I would call a doctor, whatever one is covered by your health insurance, if you have health insurance, and make an appointment, you should definately have it looked at. It could be nothing, but if it has changed, it needs to be looked at. My daughter who is 9, has a mole low on her belly, and she was actually born with it, it was tiny when she was born, and it got bigger over the years and is raised and actually got darker in color. The doctor wanted her evaluated by a dermatologist- so he referred her to one, and it turns out it is nothing- Praise God!
So just get it looked at, just in case, and don't worry too much- it probably is nothing, and praise God you are in the Lord's hands! Just remember that.
: )
Question about skin cancer and skin discoloration?
Any skin lesion that changes suddenly is suspicious and should be evaluated by a dermatologist.
I wouldn't count on any webpage (even this one) to accurately help you diagnose the difference between a cancerous skin change and a benign one.
Don't panic, just get it checked out.
Reply:the idea that its raising concerns me try www.health.com then go to skin
Reply:Changes in the skin MUST ALWAYS be examined by a qualified dermatologist. Do not try to diagnose this yourself. Skin cancer is dramatically on the rise. Do not assume you are safe. Catching skin cancer early gives you the best chance of surviving it. Melanomas are FATAL.
Call your doctor today for a referral to a dermatologist.
Reply:I had the same thing. It was cancerous.
Reply:Em, go to the dr., but don't panic. You are awfully young for skin cancer, but from your pic you look fair and blue- eyed like me. We're the kind of people who have to be extra careful. Since it's on your face, you might want to go ahead and get a dermatologist to look at it. A family practitioner would probably just refer you to one anyway, since it's on your face. And, the dermatologist can tell you what to look for, how to take precautions, etc.
Reply:I have very light skin, and before the days of sun screen, I went through a LOT of misery ! My skin has a LOT of damage through the sun. I have started using this ( new to me ) sun screen called : NO-AD. It is a 45. Water prof and sweat prof. and claims to help prevent premature skin ageing. well, not only does it protect, but, kept on, it regenerates my skin, and gives it a lustre ! Stock up !!! Keep some on, and a LOT on that spot so the sun can't promote the growth.
And don't forget to pray...Fear NOT, only believe !!!
It's since gotten darker gradually but not much. Maybe 1 shade darker. BUT about 5 days ago, I noticed it was starting to look raised, and the skin was of a different texture (only slightly) in that area.
I do not have a family practitioner currently.
Is there a WEBSITE that anyone knows of for skin cancer that I can compare different images to what I have, BEFORE I go to a doctor and panic?
And do you think this is worth worrying about? Or am I being paranoid?
Question about skin cancer and skin discoloration?
I would call a doctor, whatever one is covered by your health insurance, if you have health insurance, and make an appointment, you should definately have it looked at. It could be nothing, but if it has changed, it needs to be looked at. My daughter who is 9, has a mole low on her belly, and she was actually born with it, it was tiny when she was born, and it got bigger over the years and is raised and actually got darker in color. The doctor wanted her evaluated by a dermatologist- so he referred her to one, and it turns out it is nothing- Praise God!
So just get it looked at, just in case, and don't worry too much- it probably is nothing, and praise God you are in the Lord's hands! Just remember that.
: )
Question about skin cancer and skin discoloration?
Any skin lesion that changes suddenly is suspicious and should be evaluated by a dermatologist.
I wouldn't count on any webpage (even this one) to accurately help you diagnose the difference between a cancerous skin change and a benign one.
Don't panic, just get it checked out.
Reply:the idea that its raising concerns me try www.health.com then go to skin
Reply:Changes in the skin MUST ALWAYS be examined by a qualified dermatologist. Do not try to diagnose this yourself. Skin cancer is dramatically on the rise. Do not assume you are safe. Catching skin cancer early gives you the best chance of surviving it. Melanomas are FATAL.
Call your doctor today for a referral to a dermatologist.
Reply:I had the same thing. It was cancerous.
Reply:Em, go to the dr., but don't panic. You are awfully young for skin cancer, but from your pic you look fair and blue- eyed like me. We're the kind of people who have to be extra careful. Since it's on your face, you might want to go ahead and get a dermatologist to look at it. A family practitioner would probably just refer you to one anyway, since it's on your face. And, the dermatologist can tell you what to look for, how to take precautions, etc.
Reply:I have very light skin, and before the days of sun screen, I went through a LOT of misery ! My skin has a LOT of damage through the sun. I have started using this ( new to me ) sun screen called : NO-AD. It is a 45. Water prof and sweat prof. and claims to help prevent premature skin ageing. well, not only does it protect, but, kept on, it regenerates my skin, and gives it a lustre ! Stock up !!! Keep some on, and a LOT on that spot so the sun can't promote the growth.
And don't forget to pray...Fear NOT, only believe !!!
Why does my skin look better late at night or first thing in the morning?
Especially when I wake up my skin looks smooth, even-toned, and flawless. Then as soon as I wash it, it starts looking shiny again. During the day, my skin tends to be oily and quite shiny in the T-zone.
I've noticed the same thing if I stay out all night. After 18-20 hours without washing, my skin looks even better than it did right after I washed it!
This "flawless" skin happens only late at night or early in the morning. Where does the oil go?
Why does my skin look better late at night or first thing in the morning?
You need to improve your circulation. When you sleep there is better circulation because you are lying down. Similarly if you are active, the oil gets absorbed back into your skin when your circulation is at its best.
Why does my skin look better late at night or first thing in the morning?
I would say that whatever you are washing your face with is making your skin dry out and over produce natural oils. That is why your skin looks better hours after you wash your face. Hint- change whatever you wash your face with or use a moisturizer.
Reply:It looks that way in the morning because you havent done anything to cause your face to be oily. It happens to me to and i really wish it stayed that way. I'm not sure why its like that at night, mine isnt mines the worst at night.
Reply:sounds like you're stripping your skin of its moisture, so it over-compensates during the day. Try using a light moisturizer in the morning.
Reply:are you washing with warm or cold water?
warm water opens your pores, while cold water closes your pores.
Reply:I totally get what your saying! In the morning I love my skin but after my face wash, toner and moisturizer my face doesnt look as good. But, personally I think that when your face is a little dirtier it looks a little better. Like hair, when your hair is a little dirty it looks better! It could be your face wash isnt the right type for your skin...but i dont know. I also think you may have dry skin and if your face wash is meant for dry skin it'll give you a lot of moisture, and if your face is really dry the moisturizer wears off and your skin is "flawless looking". I think your best bet is trying a new moisturizer!
I've noticed the same thing if I stay out all night. After 18-20 hours without washing, my skin looks even better than it did right after I washed it!
This "flawless" skin happens only late at night or early in the morning. Where does the oil go?
Why does my skin look better late at night or first thing in the morning?
You need to improve your circulation. When you sleep there is better circulation because you are lying down. Similarly if you are active, the oil gets absorbed back into your skin when your circulation is at its best.
Why does my skin look better late at night or first thing in the morning?
I would say that whatever you are washing your face with is making your skin dry out and over produce natural oils. That is why your skin looks better hours after you wash your face. Hint- change whatever you wash your face with or use a moisturizer.
Reply:It looks that way in the morning because you havent done anything to cause your face to be oily. It happens to me to and i really wish it stayed that way. I'm not sure why its like that at night, mine isnt mines the worst at night.
Reply:sounds like you're stripping your skin of its moisture, so it over-compensates during the day. Try using a light moisturizer in the morning.
Reply:are you washing with warm or cold water?
warm water opens your pores, while cold water closes your pores.
Reply:I totally get what your saying! In the morning I love my skin but after my face wash, toner and moisturizer my face doesnt look as good. But, personally I think that when your face is a little dirtier it looks a little better. Like hair, when your hair is a little dirty it looks better! It could be your face wash isnt the right type for your skin...but i dont know. I also think you may have dry skin and if your face wash is meant for dry skin it'll give you a lot of moisture, and if your face is really dry the moisturizer wears off and your skin is "flawless looking". I think your best bet is trying a new moisturizer!
My facial skin was dry for months (acne medication), and some days in the sun gave permanent oily skin!!!!?
"years later and it's as oily as ever! What do i do, how can i "reset" the skin, cause it's not hereditar, i'm not "supposed" to have oily skin!
My facial skin was dry for months (acne medication), and some days in the sun gave permanent oily skin!!!!?
For serious oily skin try washing with Fels-Naptha soap. It is really strong so only use it if you have really oily skin.
Using egg whites as a mask will also help to releive oily skin.
My facial skin was dry for months (acne medication), and some days in the sun gave permanent oily skin!!!!?
Try some home made solutions so here goes,
Home remedies for oily skin
Reply:try to consult your dermatologist maybe your using the wrong facial treatment to your skin type... do it now before its to late...
Reply:check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Oilyhair/Dryhair
Read...Free Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:
Skincare/Acne-pimple cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Wrinkles/Freckles/Steaming/herbal recipe for skin
Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/ Hot oil massages
Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair
Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness/eyebags
Herbal tips/Herbal recipe
Free beauty tips on Makeup/Hairstyles %26amp; photo gallery/
hair highlighting/Weightloss /Hairremoval/ etc...
Reply:I struggled with acne for years and I finally found the solution that works for me. We have been fooled, tricked, deceived, and just plain lied to. It's time that someone put a stop to it, and everyone learn the truth!
Those of us who suffer from acne have usually been given 2 choices and neither of them work:
1. Over the counter remedies such as cleansers, creams, ointments, etc. These things have been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.
2. Go see a doctor and or dermatologist. They will generally prescribe prescription drugs which include topicals and or antibiotics. This, too, has been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.
I found a step-by-step program that cured my acne and it has never come back. It is amazing and doesn鈥檛 use any drugs or doctors. The truth is that acne can be cured鈥f we know the secret the doctors and drug companies don鈥檛 want us to know.
There is a great website: http://cure-my-acne.info/3daycure/ that has all the details. I really suggest you check it out and see if it works as well for you as it did for me.
My facial skin was dry for months (acne medication), and some days in the sun gave permanent oily skin!!!!?
For serious oily skin try washing with Fels-Naptha soap. It is really strong so only use it if you have really oily skin.
Using egg whites as a mask will also help to releive oily skin.
My facial skin was dry for months (acne medication), and some days in the sun gave permanent oily skin!!!!?
Try some home made solutions so here goes,
Home remedies for oily skin
Reply:try to consult your dermatologist maybe your using the wrong facial treatment to your skin type... do it now before its to late...
Reply:check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Oilyhair/Dryhair
Read...Free Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:
Skincare/Acne-pimple cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Wrinkles/Freckles/Steaming/herbal recipe for skin
Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/ Hot oil massages
Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair
Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness/eyebags
Herbal tips/Herbal recipe
Free beauty tips on Makeup/Hairstyles %26amp; photo gallery/
hair highlighting/Weightloss /Hairremoval/ etc...
Reply:I struggled with acne for years and I finally found the solution that works for me. We have been fooled, tricked, deceived, and just plain lied to. It's time that someone put a stop to it, and everyone learn the truth!
Those of us who suffer from acne have usually been given 2 choices and neither of them work:
1. Over the counter remedies such as cleansers, creams, ointments, etc. These things have been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.
2. Go see a doctor and or dermatologist. They will generally prescribe prescription drugs which include topicals and or antibiotics. This, too, has been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.
I found a step-by-step program that cured my acne and it has never come back. It is amazing and doesn鈥檛 use any drugs or doctors. The truth is that acne can be cured鈥f we know the secret the doctors and drug companies don鈥檛 want us to know.
There is a great website: http://cure-my-acne.info/3daycure/ that has all the details. I really suggest you check it out and see if it works as well for you as it did for me.
Commercial for Skin Care product?
I saw a commercial for a skin care product...I don't remember what it was called, but I remember that in the commercial, a teenage girl is shown in bed (or has just gotten out of bed...i'm not sure...) and her friend calls her and tells her to get up and come out..and she puts on her skin stuff and then takes it off with a washcloth--no water needed i think, she wasn't at the sink...and then she says "i'm up, i'm up!" and leaves (with nice skin. hehe) Can anyone tell me what the product is called? Thanks!
Commercial for Skin Care product?
I think its the Morning Burst face wash from Clean and Clear.
Commercial for Skin Care product?
is it a ponds skincare commerical for there skin cleansing pads?
Commercial for Skin Care product?
I think its the Morning Burst face wash from Clean and Clear.
Commercial for Skin Care product?
is it a ponds skincare commerical for there skin cleansing pads?
My Mom gets skin irritation/rashes often, why?
Hi all, I think my Mom has sensitive skin. I know she has to cut of the tags in the back of her shirts and blouses because it irritates her skin. And I just took her bra shopping and she wore it today and it was fine but when she took it off there were 2 rashes/ irritation on the top of her shoulders where the bra straps were. It was really red. I felt bad even though I know it wasn't my fault. But why is her skin like that? Is it a symptom of some condition? Is it just sensitive skin? Is there anything we can do to make it better? Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
My Mom gets skin irritation/rashes often, why?
sensitive skin definitely. Could be the fabrics or the washing formula she uses.
My Mom gets skin irritation/rashes often, why?
sensitive skin definitely. Could be the fabrics or the washing formula she uses.
Curling iron tragedy! Skin whitening products?
I received a small burn 3 months ago today from a curling iron and although its fully healed, i have a nasty brown scar on my neck that has been lingering there for months.
I've never used a skin whitening cream so I was wondering if there are any products you'd recommend. I have no idea how long this will take to heal naturally. Have any of you had curling iron burns in the past? Is this here permanently - should I try to whiten the skin?
And when the skin whitens, will it literally look white? or blend in to my natural skin color?
Curling iron tragedy! Skin whitening products?
Ask Michael Jackson.
Curling iron tragedy! Skin whitening products?
I would try an exfoliator made for the face (gentler). This helps skin regenerate and takes off dead cells. I don't think that whitening is the way to go. Scars can take a long time to go away.
Reply:I've considered a lightening cream for spots I have on my arm but decided against it for two reasons: it can cause hypopigmentation (becomes too light) and possibly cancer. I'm referring to hydroquinone which is the stuff that's proven to make a difference. As for the natural products (like soy), I don't know if they are effective. There's a lot of discussion on this site: http://www.askmehelpdesk.com/advice/f-38...
Reply:Do not use the whitening cream,that will only make the back of your neck real white and change the complexion. If you can- just use good ol' cocoa butter in the tub or the stick . I had a bad burn from a hairslylist on the back of my neck and i used the cocoa butter and takes time but in 2-3 months and it just disappeared so try that first.I hope i was helpful.
Reply:You need the bleaching cream for the from diana stalder and it will get rid of that...
Check what customers say about their products...
I received a small burn 3 months ago today from a curling iron and although its fully healed, i have a nasty brown scar on my neck that has been lingering there for months.
I've never used a skin whitening cream so I was wondering if there are any products you'd recommend. I have no idea how long this will take to heal naturally. Have any of you had curling iron burns in the past? Is this here permanently - should I try to whiten the skin?
And when the skin whitens, will it literally look white? or blend in to my natural skin color?
Curling iron tragedy! Skin whitening products?
Ask Michael Jackson.
Curling iron tragedy! Skin whitening products?
I would try an exfoliator made for the face (gentler). This helps skin regenerate and takes off dead cells. I don't think that whitening is the way to go. Scars can take a long time to go away.
Reply:I've considered a lightening cream for spots I have on my arm but decided against it for two reasons: it can cause hypopigmentation (becomes too light) and possibly cancer. I'm referring to hydroquinone which is the stuff that's proven to make a difference. As for the natural products (like soy), I don't know if they are effective. There's a lot of discussion on this site: http://www.askmehelpdesk.com/advice/f-38...
Reply:Do not use the whitening cream,that will only make the back of your neck real white and change the complexion. If you can- just use good ol' cocoa butter in the tub or the stick . I had a bad burn from a hairslylist on the back of my neck and i used the cocoa butter and takes time but in 2-3 months and it just disappeared so try that first.I hope i was helpful.
Reply:You need the bleaching cream for the from diana stalder and it will get rid of that...
Check what customers say about their products...
Healthier lookin' skin?
I was wondering how people can get such nice,shiny,smooth legs and arms,and around the stomach parts. When they're in the sun their skin seems soo reflecting,and nice. How do you get this kind of skin? i was just wondering,cause my skin's kinda dull and boring -_-".
Healthier lookin' skin?
why dont you try odahsa virgin coconut oil, use the original odahsa. it works.
Healthier lookin' skin?
why dont you try odahsa virgin coconut oil, use the original odahsa. it works.
HELP PLS!!! Skin facts needed!!!???
I need to find out what system skin belongs to, what diseases skin can get and skin uses
Only real answers pls
Thanks for your help!
HELP PLS!!! Skin facts needed!!!???
just type in skin
fruit baskets
Only real answers pls
Thanks for your help!
HELP PLS!!! Skin facts needed!!!???
just type in skin
fruit baskets
Help plz......Skin care problem....?
I am Asian and have a combination skin.
My forehead, nose and chin are oily but my cheeks and eye area are normal.My nose also have blackhead.
Someone can suggest good skin care product that are meant for combination or can give me some tips how to take care of combination skin and to get rid of blackhead on my nose.
I hope u all can give me the answers..
Thank you!!
Help plz......Skin care problem....?
Hi, Clean and Clear do a really good blackhead cleanser which you can read about here http://www.epinions.com/content_23047035...
I also suggest you use a really good oil free cleanser. I thoroughly recommend Clean and Clear's Deep cleansing oil free face wash. I know I sound like some kind of Clean+Clear consultant!!but it is truly amazing, (this range is very reasonably priced), smells great and your skin feels so tingly and refreshed after using it. I also suffer from combo/oily skin which sometimes gets flaky too! I have started using Clean and Clear's cooling toner to add to my skincare routine and to cut down on oil I bought a bottle of 100% pure tea tree oil as I had heard this is quite good for oily skin. What I do is, at night I add a few drops of the tea tree oil to my C+C face wash,rinse and then use the toner and moisturise.( Remember to moisturise btw as even oily skin needs moisture and if you decide to use tea tree oil, test it out on a small part of your body/face to check if you get an allergic reaction to it). So far it has only been the second night (the tea tree oil does have an overwhelming scent, but it doesn't last very long as I wash it off) and it is a little premature to see if both the toner and the tea tree oil has had any positive effects but the simple fact that my face has not come out in a rash or feels irritated is good enough for me to carry on. Hope this has been useful and good luck!
Help plz......Skin care problem....?
Apricot Scrub. You can find it at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, CVS, Walgreens, etc..
It has tiny micro-beads that exfoliates your skin, removing dead skin cells, oil, dirt, etc...which clogs your pores. Just use it every time you shower. It works.
Reply:here is a link to combination skin care products. at the bottom of the page there are also tips to healthy combination skin. HOPE THIS HELPS!!!
Reply:Try Mary Kay products. They can be used with any type of skin.
Reply:Hi there. I too am Asian and have combination skin. I have been using Arbonne Clear Advantage and really like it.
I have used Proactive, Murad and Serious Skin Care but they all dried out my skin. When I try new products, like the ones mentioned, my skin gets dried out. However, my skin was so soft and DID NOT break out at all with Arbonne.
I hope this helps, let me know if you want more information because there are other products within the Arbonne line that help too.
Reply:Your skin sounds like it is out of balance. You should try Arbonne products. Arbonne means "Good Things of the Earth". A plant has everything it needs to protect itself from the enviroment. Arbonne is a European Health and Wellness company with over 400 products that are all botanical and herbal based without mineral oil, harmful alcohols, chemical dyes, fragrances or animal by products. Yuck! Google "animal rendering plants". They have several skin care lines that you could try. I don't know your age but they are the "NutriMinC Anti-Aging" line for ages 30+. This line repairs and prevents the signs of aging. The "Intelligence" line for ages 20-30, the "Clear Advantage" line for acne or the "Baby Care" line for sensitive skin like babies and adults with Rosacea. This is the first company to use an advanced delivery system that allows all these beneficial ingredients to get down to the deepest layers of your skin. This is why and how they get such incredible results. Right now Arbonne is manufactured in the States with a distribution branch in Canada. But next month, there will be another branch just outside of Sydney!!! Check out www.CindieReed.myarbonne.com and click on "Simply the Best Products". Request a sample.
Reply:Go to www.notaquitter.com and get some Colloidal Silver Cream. Use this at night and you will be amazed.
Reply:I have been using Zenmed acne treatment product for about 3 weeks, this product is recommended by one of my friend. After two weeks I am starting to see results! I have noticed that my skin is getting gradually better. Overall, I can say Zenmed products is one of the best newer products on the market to defeat acne.
Zenmed system fights whiteheads, blackheads, and even the shiny appearance of acne prone skin. Recommend this product to many of my friends. Try it once and see the difference...
Reply:Neutragenia is a great, cheap, effective skin care line available at the supermarket--its cheapest at Target or Walmart though. To get rid of the black heads try using the Biore pore strips...they do work!
Here's some info about neutragena and some of thier products.
Also here is more about the pore strips:
Lastly, try asking your mom or a relative if you can go to a day spa and get a facial as a special treat or birthday gift, or graduation gift?...
Reply:Try SHESEIDO SKIN CARE PRODUCTS...it's perfect for asian skin....most japanese has a flawless complexion....
Reply:wash normally like you usually would (twice a day) and at night really over moisturize your face. i have the worst acne in the world but you would never know bc this is what i do every night try this right now
My forehead, nose and chin are oily but my cheeks and eye area are normal.My nose also have blackhead.
Someone can suggest good skin care product that are meant for combination or can give me some tips how to take care of combination skin and to get rid of blackhead on my nose.
I hope u all can give me the answers..
Thank you!!
Help plz......Skin care problem....?
Hi, Clean and Clear do a really good blackhead cleanser which you can read about here http://www.epinions.com/content_23047035...
I also suggest you use a really good oil free cleanser. I thoroughly recommend Clean and Clear's Deep cleansing oil free face wash. I know I sound like some kind of Clean+Clear consultant!!but it is truly amazing, (this range is very reasonably priced), smells great and your skin feels so tingly and refreshed after using it. I also suffer from combo/oily skin which sometimes gets flaky too! I have started using Clean and Clear's cooling toner to add to my skincare routine and to cut down on oil I bought a bottle of 100% pure tea tree oil as I had heard this is quite good for oily skin. What I do is, at night I add a few drops of the tea tree oil to my C+C face wash,rinse and then use the toner and moisturise.( Remember to moisturise btw as even oily skin needs moisture and if you decide to use tea tree oil, test it out on a small part of your body/face to check if you get an allergic reaction to it). So far it has only been the second night (the tea tree oil does have an overwhelming scent, but it doesn't last very long as I wash it off) and it is a little premature to see if both the toner and the tea tree oil has had any positive effects but the simple fact that my face has not come out in a rash or feels irritated is good enough for me to carry on. Hope this has been useful and good luck!
Help plz......Skin care problem....?
Apricot Scrub. You can find it at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, CVS, Walgreens, etc..
It has tiny micro-beads that exfoliates your skin, removing dead skin cells, oil, dirt, etc...which clogs your pores. Just use it every time you shower. It works.
Reply:here is a link to combination skin care products. at the bottom of the page there are also tips to healthy combination skin. HOPE THIS HELPS!!!
Reply:Try Mary Kay products. They can be used with any type of skin.
Reply:Hi there. I too am Asian and have combination skin. I have been using Arbonne Clear Advantage and really like it.
I have used Proactive, Murad and Serious Skin Care but they all dried out my skin. When I try new products, like the ones mentioned, my skin gets dried out. However, my skin was so soft and DID NOT break out at all with Arbonne.
I hope this helps, let me know if you want more information because there are other products within the Arbonne line that help too.
Reply:Your skin sounds like it is out of balance. You should try Arbonne products. Arbonne means "Good Things of the Earth". A plant has everything it needs to protect itself from the enviroment. Arbonne is a European Health and Wellness company with over 400 products that are all botanical and herbal based without mineral oil, harmful alcohols, chemical dyes, fragrances or animal by products. Yuck! Google "animal rendering plants". They have several skin care lines that you could try. I don't know your age but they are the "NutriMinC Anti-Aging" line for ages 30+. This line repairs and prevents the signs of aging. The "Intelligence" line for ages 20-30, the "Clear Advantage" line for acne or the "Baby Care" line for sensitive skin like babies and adults with Rosacea. This is the first company to use an advanced delivery system that allows all these beneficial ingredients to get down to the deepest layers of your skin. This is why and how they get such incredible results. Right now Arbonne is manufactured in the States with a distribution branch in Canada. But next month, there will be another branch just outside of Sydney!!! Check out www.CindieReed.myarbonne.com and click on "Simply the Best Products". Request a sample.
Reply:Go to www.notaquitter.com and get some Colloidal Silver Cream. Use this at night and you will be amazed.
Reply:I have been using Zenmed acne treatment product for about 3 weeks, this product is recommended by one of my friend. After two weeks I am starting to see results! I have noticed that my skin is getting gradually better. Overall, I can say Zenmed products is one of the best newer products on the market to defeat acne.
Zenmed system fights whiteheads, blackheads, and even the shiny appearance of acne prone skin. Recommend this product to many of my friends. Try it once and see the difference...
Reply:Neutragenia is a great, cheap, effective skin care line available at the supermarket--its cheapest at Target or Walmart though. To get rid of the black heads try using the Biore pore strips...they do work!
Here's some info about neutragena and some of thier products.
Also here is more about the pore strips:
Lastly, try asking your mom or a relative if you can go to a day spa and get a facial as a special treat or birthday gift, or graduation gift?...
Reply:Try SHESEIDO SKIN CARE PRODUCTS...it's perfect for asian skin....most japanese has a flawless complexion....
Reply:wash normally like you usually would (twice a day) and at night really over moisturize your face. i have the worst acne in the world but you would never know bc this is what i do every night try this right now
Dog with unknown Skin Condition?
My dog's name is Edsel and during the summer he developed a skin condition in which his skin is flaky, red, and itchy. He started losing his hair and started bleeding. We started to finally get him better by giving him a home remedy given to us by his veterinarian. During the start of the fall months he looked as if he was almost entirely cured. During the winter months however he started developing the same condition only worse this time with hardly any hair on his body, red, bumpy, dry, itchy skin. We try to brush the dead skin off of him but we seem to only get more sores with every stroke we made. Can anyone tell me [besides going to a vet] what to do?
Dog with unknown Skin Condition?
my dog has the same thing!!!!!
the vet did NOTHING!!!!!!
he said it will go away on its own.
i was sooo mad.
anyway lets try to help eachother out i will add u and we can share tips
Dog with unknown Skin Condition?
I'm not a vet or an expert, but just a dog owner and dog lover. It sounds like your poor pooch has either allergies or a thyroid condition (both of which can cause all-over skin problems). You won't like my answer, but you're gonna need to take Edsel to the Vet...he shouldn't have to suffer.
Reply:Rub some vaseline on the dry skin. It might be fungus, change his bedding.
Dog with unknown Skin Condition?
my dog has the same thing!!!!!
the vet did NOTHING!!!!!!
he said it will go away on its own.
i was sooo mad.
anyway lets try to help eachother out i will add u and we can share tips
Dog with unknown Skin Condition?
I'm not a vet or an expert, but just a dog owner and dog lover. It sounds like your poor pooch has either allergies or a thyroid condition (both of which can cause all-over skin problems). You won't like my answer, but you're gonna need to take Edsel to the Vet...he shouldn't have to suffer.
Reply:Rub some vaseline on the dry skin. It might be fungus, change his bedding.
I have dry skin?
i have dry skin and i break out alot and i put stuff on my break out spots and that just makes my skin drier and then when i put on my make up it looks really bad, and i hate going to school like that because the other girls at my school have like perfect skin or they don't care and they don't wear make up and don't worry about their skin. i need help, what should i do?
I have dry skin?
your dry skin will respond well to an all natural skin care moisturizer for it is safe and effective in keeping the skin moist all day.
try to avoid long baths for that can rob moisture out of your skin. ask your dermatologist about good skin care treatments.
healthy habits can also help improve the look and how your skin feels from inside and out. try to refrain from smoking and alcohol for they do not only cause the skin to become dry but also they can promote premature skin aging.
visit http://www.skinsosilky.com for more tips on how to keep the skin clean and healthy.
I have dry skin?
You need a good mosterizer. I have extremely dry skin and it took me a while to find the right way to keep my face in shape. A mostierizer is the way to go make sure to apply it in the morning before make-up. If your skin is very dry you can get a night creme and use it on and off on places that are extermly dry.
Reply:one thing no ONE!! has perfect skin... moisturize moisturize rule to live with this means hydrating your skin so yeah a good face cream preferably one with SPF and UVA/UVB daily avoid any product with alcohol and my friend WATER H2O Agua Whatever you call it DRINK IT!!!!!
Reply:a cleanser that controls brakeouts, but a moisturiser that won't give you too much moisture is best.
I reccomend using Mary Kay's Timewise set for Oily/combo skin. It cleans your face deep, but doens't dry it out like other acne products. the moisturiser is great.. does not feel heavy or greasy! :)
Reply:Dry Skin Care Tips
These are some of the best home made remedies for Dry Skin Care.
Reply:try cetaphil cleanser and moisturizer. never used it but heard it works. also go to clinique.com and take the "skin quiz" it will tell you if you have dry skin, oily skin and will recommend products. im going to try the clinique stuff. I have dry skin to.
my friend uses it and she has perfect skin :P I hate her. not really but i love her skin. its always glowing.
Reply:Proactive Day Lotion!!!
Reply:you ashy bitcch!!!...thats a shame...get some proactiv....or something...you need ta fix that...cuz it aint cute....lol...you need some vasline.. put that on every night...and wash it off in the morning...
Reply:i get dry skin really bad on my nose and i get spots on my face! but they just go away and clear up! sometimes using creams makes it worse!
Reply:For dry skin problems, self-care measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths help. If you have very dry and scaly skin, your doctor may recommend you use an all-natural cream that contains natural oils that gives soothing and glowing results. An all natural skin care cream like Skin So Silky helps reduce secretions and prevent infection.
For more advices, ideas and best treatments for any skin problem like dry skin, visit http://www.skinsosilky.com/
I have dry skin?
your dry skin will respond well to an all natural skin care moisturizer for it is safe and effective in keeping the skin moist all day.
try to avoid long baths for that can rob moisture out of your skin. ask your dermatologist about good skin care treatments.
healthy habits can also help improve the look and how your skin feels from inside and out. try to refrain from smoking and alcohol for they do not only cause the skin to become dry but also they can promote premature skin aging.
visit http://www.skinsosilky.com for more tips on how to keep the skin clean and healthy.
I have dry skin?
You need a good mosterizer. I have extremely dry skin and it took me a while to find the right way to keep my face in shape. A mostierizer is the way to go make sure to apply it in the morning before make-up. If your skin is very dry you can get a night creme and use it on and off on places that are extermly dry.
Reply:one thing no ONE!! has perfect skin... moisturize moisturize rule to live with this means hydrating your skin so yeah a good face cream preferably one with SPF and UVA/UVB daily avoid any product with alcohol and my friend WATER H2O Agua Whatever you call it DRINK IT!!!!!
Reply:a cleanser that controls brakeouts, but a moisturiser that won't give you too much moisture is best.
I reccomend using Mary Kay's Timewise set for Oily/combo skin. It cleans your face deep, but doens't dry it out like other acne products. the moisturiser is great.. does not feel heavy or greasy! :)
Reply:Dry Skin Care Tips
These are some of the best home made remedies for Dry Skin Care.
Reply:try cetaphil cleanser and moisturizer. never used it but heard it works. also go to clinique.com and take the "skin quiz" it will tell you if you have dry skin, oily skin and will recommend products. im going to try the clinique stuff. I have dry skin to.
my friend uses it and she has perfect skin :P I hate her. not really but i love her skin. its always glowing.
Reply:Proactive Day Lotion!!!
Reply:you ashy bitcch!!!...thats a shame...get some proactiv....or something...you need ta fix that...cuz it aint cute....lol...you need some vasline.. put that on every night...and wash it off in the morning...
Reply:i get dry skin really bad on my nose and i get spots on my face! but they just go away and clear up! sometimes using creams makes it worse!
Reply:For dry skin problems, self-care measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths help. If you have very dry and scaly skin, your doctor may recommend you use an all-natural cream that contains natural oils that gives soothing and glowing results. An all natural skin care cream like Skin So Silky helps reduce secretions and prevent infection.
For more advices, ideas and best treatments for any skin problem like dry skin, visit http://www.skinsosilky.com/
Is Gabriell Union bleaching her skin???????????
i mean in the movie Bring it on, her skin is dark, but now when i see her on television appearances her skin is much lighter, and especially on that neutrogena commercial, she looks like a light-skinned black person, but she's not. so does anyone know what she's doing to her skin? i don't think it's makeup because she would practically have to put makeup over her entire body for her skin to change from one color to another.
Is Gabriell Union bleaching her skin???????????
Yup, she just gets tan in the sun. I am medium skinned, and can get a lot darker in the summer.
Is Gabriell Union bleaching her skin???????????
I guess the camera really does wonders! Report It
Reply:spray on tans
Reply:Gabrielle Union used to do a lot of movies wherein she was constantly being exposed to the sun. Therefore she became darker than she would have otherwise. Since she doesn't spend so much time outdoors, then her "tan" is fading.
Reply:Well theres this wonderful thing called the sun. It tends to make you darker for a short period of time. Maybe she hasn't gotten any of that for awhile.
/moth orchid
Is Gabriell Union bleaching her skin???????????
Yup, she just gets tan in the sun. I am medium skinned, and can get a lot darker in the summer.
Is Gabriell Union bleaching her skin???????????
I guess the camera really does wonders! Report It
Reply:spray on tans
Reply:Gabrielle Union used to do a lot of movies wherein she was constantly being exposed to the sun. Therefore she became darker than she would have otherwise. Since she doesn't spend so much time outdoors, then her "tan" is fading.
Reply:Well theres this wonderful thing called the sun. It tends to make you darker for a short period of time. Maybe she hasn't gotten any of that for awhile.
/moth orchid
Please help!!! skin issues! dry itchy skin.?
i have very very very dry itchy skin on my legs, and now that winter is here its worse. my question is what is a good product to use for dry skin besides cetaphil and aveeno,(ive already tried those)(nothing perfume smelling either)?
and everytime i shave my legs they always get huge goose bumps. how do i make them go away so my razor can get a close shave? and waxing is not an option. please help i scatch so bad that i wake up with red scratches on my legs, cuz i itch in my sleep!!
Please help!!! skin issues! dry itchy skin.?
St. Helen's brand lotion, or Skin So Soft by Avon. i know that the Avon brand has some really unnoticeable scents, that you would have to stick your nose in the lotion to be able to smell it.
Please help!!! skin issues! dry itchy skin.?
I had the same problem with my legs, my doctor told me to cut my nails short and put a thin layer of vaseline on my legs, so if I did scratch in my sleep it wouldn't leave marks, he also suggested wearing finger gloves to bed. I moisturize often 3x a day if possible with aveeno or vaseline to help with the dryness. I also have baths more often than showers, and put baby oil in my bath this helps alot. As for your shaving problem try an after shave aloe vera product there is something on the market for the bikini area to reduce bumps it might work on your legs. Ask your pharmacist
Reply:i think that your dry skin will respond well to an all natural skin care moisturizer for it is safe and effective in keeping the skin moist all day.
try to avoid long baths for that can rob moisture out of your skin. ask your dermatologist about good skin care treatments.
healthy habits can also help improve the look and how your skin feels from inside and out. try to refrain from smoking and alcohol for they do not only cause the skin to become dry but also they can promote premature skin aging.
visit http://www.skinsosilky.com for more tips on how to keep the skin clean and healthy.
and everytime i shave my legs they always get huge goose bumps. how do i make them go away so my razor can get a close shave? and waxing is not an option. please help i scatch so bad that i wake up with red scratches on my legs, cuz i itch in my sleep!!
Please help!!! skin issues! dry itchy skin.?
St. Helen's brand lotion, or Skin So Soft by Avon. i know that the Avon brand has some really unnoticeable scents, that you would have to stick your nose in the lotion to be able to smell it.
Please help!!! skin issues! dry itchy skin.?
I had the same problem with my legs, my doctor told me to cut my nails short and put a thin layer of vaseline on my legs, so if I did scratch in my sleep it wouldn't leave marks, he also suggested wearing finger gloves to bed. I moisturize often 3x a day if possible with aveeno or vaseline to help with the dryness. I also have baths more often than showers, and put baby oil in my bath this helps alot. As for your shaving problem try an after shave aloe vera product there is something on the market for the bikini area to reduce bumps it might work on your legs. Ask your pharmacist
Reply:i think that your dry skin will respond well to an all natural skin care moisturizer for it is safe and effective in keeping the skin moist all day.
try to avoid long baths for that can rob moisture out of your skin. ask your dermatologist about good skin care treatments.
healthy habits can also help improve the look and how your skin feels from inside and out. try to refrain from smoking and alcohol for they do not only cause the skin to become dry but also they can promote premature skin aging.
visit http://www.skinsosilky.com for more tips on how to keep the skin clean and healthy.
Oily and dry skin......?
I have oily skin and i get pimples on my chin and forehead but i also have really dry skin in some places. So i wash my face with st. ives for acne/ oily skin, which is working pretty good on the oily parts. and then in my dry areas i tried using my moms moisturizer (it's clinique) on those specific areas. but that made thoses parts start to breakout too! anyone have anything that will work for my skin? Thanks so much!
Oily and dry skin......?
Oh I feel for you. I have the same problem. What I've found that works great for my skin is to use the st.Ives apricot scrub...not the one for acne/oily skin just the scrub itself. It has no oil so it doesn't make oily skin worse, but it makes dry skin smoother. Then after that I would get a good oil free moisturizer. Clean and clear have a couple that are great. Most things that your mom uses on her face aren't going to help yours more than likely, so I would try those things above and see what happens then. Also by increasing the amount of water that you drink your face will balance itself out better. If you have pimples start to form then get an on the spot treatment (again clean and clear has some great ones) and just put on the very tip of the pimple. That way you only get the pimple and don't dry out the skin around it. Hope this helped. Good luck.
Oily and dry skin......?
i would use a facial cleasnser that is made for combination or combination/oily skin. Then use a moisturizer that is oil free for all over.
Reply:Use a soap that is for combination skin (oily/dry). If not, try a mild soap for sensitive skin. My daughter, who has pimples, uses Physiogel, a mild liquid soap twice a day. It does not dry the skin. Avoid using moisturizers because it will make your skin oily; even if you use it on areas that is dry when you perspire or wipe your face, it will unavoidably cross to the areas that are oily.
Reply:You need Arbonne.You are having breakouts because of the chemicals in the make-up.Arbonne is pure,safe,and beneficial.They work.I use these products and the difference is incredible.The Intelligence Collection would be great for your combination skin.Contact me.
Reply:for dry skin, dont take a hot shower too long. if dry skin, drink plenty of water n use vaseline lotion that have Vitamin E will make ur skin be healthy.
Reply:hey i am a avon rep it sounds like u need a combination products ,if your skin is more oily then get that product it needs to b dryed out...a lot of my customers use avon products on their skin so but it just depends,ie: my skin is dry and i use avon nite cream !! any questions pls ask
Reply:Clean your face with pampers sensitive skin fragrance free baby wipes and just use a light moisturizer like Oil of Olay on the dry parts of your face and leave the oily parts as they don't need moisturizer do not use anything like Vaseline as this will clog up your poors and change your pillow case every day. also cut out all fast foods and eat lots of fresh fruit and veg and drink lots of water not fizzy drinks don't use your moms clinique as it is too harsh for your skin and will make it worse
Reply:Actually, even oily skin is supposed to moisturize, as the overproduction of oil results from dryness (paradoxically). In order to kill 2 birds with one stone, you may want to use an moisturizer designed for acne-prone skin, which would probably have salicylic acid up to 2% and maybe something like teatree oil. I use Clearasil Acne-Fighting Moisturizer. You may find yourself wanting more moisture for the drier areas of your face, though.
Reply:I would try using aveeno oatmeal soap on your face . The oatmeal balances and soothes
Reply:i have the same problem but i star proactive and really works for me but i am very faithful and i not skip even a night or morning.i hoop you can try ed is not that Spense.
Reply:If your skin is a dry, and you are bothered by it, I suggest you try using Zenmed Sensitive Skin Care System from Zenmed or Autopalm from Skinstore.com
Zenmed has no side effects and it's non-irritant to the
skin. It's proven to works fast and it povides Maximum
results! It's certainly a good lotion to prevent further
Another product that I think is effective is Autopalm. This
dry skin mlm is one of the best seller at skinstore.com now.
(Skinstore.com holds more than 10,000 skin care products) It's pretty effective, and worth the dollar paid out.
Here's are some good references:
Dry skin problems
Products that are effective to eliminate dry skin
Oily and dry skin......?
Oh I feel for you. I have the same problem. What I've found that works great for my skin is to use the st.Ives apricot scrub...not the one for acne/oily skin just the scrub itself. It has no oil so it doesn't make oily skin worse, but it makes dry skin smoother. Then after that I would get a good oil free moisturizer. Clean and clear have a couple that are great. Most things that your mom uses on her face aren't going to help yours more than likely, so I would try those things above and see what happens then. Also by increasing the amount of water that you drink your face will balance itself out better. If you have pimples start to form then get an on the spot treatment (again clean and clear has some great ones) and just put on the very tip of the pimple. That way you only get the pimple and don't dry out the skin around it. Hope this helped. Good luck.
Oily and dry skin......?
i would use a facial cleasnser that is made for combination or combination/oily skin. Then use a moisturizer that is oil free for all over.
Reply:Use a soap that is for combination skin (oily/dry). If not, try a mild soap for sensitive skin. My daughter, who has pimples, uses Physiogel, a mild liquid soap twice a day. It does not dry the skin. Avoid using moisturizers because it will make your skin oily; even if you use it on areas that is dry when you perspire or wipe your face, it will unavoidably cross to the areas that are oily.
Reply:You need Arbonne.You are having breakouts because of the chemicals in the make-up.Arbonne is pure,safe,and beneficial.They work.I use these products and the difference is incredible.The Intelligence Collection would be great for your combination skin.Contact me.
Reply:for dry skin, dont take a hot shower too long. if dry skin, drink plenty of water n use vaseline lotion that have Vitamin E will make ur skin be healthy.
Reply:hey i am a avon rep it sounds like u need a combination products ,if your skin is more oily then get that product it needs to b dryed out...a lot of my customers use avon products on their skin so but it just depends,ie: my skin is dry and i use avon nite cream !! any questions pls ask
Reply:Clean your face with pampers sensitive skin fragrance free baby wipes and just use a light moisturizer like Oil of Olay on the dry parts of your face and leave the oily parts as they don't need moisturizer do not use anything like Vaseline as this will clog up your poors and change your pillow case every day. also cut out all fast foods and eat lots of fresh fruit and veg and drink lots of water not fizzy drinks don't use your moms clinique as it is too harsh for your skin and will make it worse
Reply:Actually, even oily skin is supposed to moisturize, as the overproduction of oil results from dryness (paradoxically). In order to kill 2 birds with one stone, you may want to use an moisturizer designed for acne-prone skin, which would probably have salicylic acid up to 2% and maybe something like teatree oil. I use Clearasil Acne-Fighting Moisturizer. You may find yourself wanting more moisture for the drier areas of your face, though.
Reply:I would try using aveeno oatmeal soap on your face . The oatmeal balances and soothes
Reply:i have the same problem but i star proactive and really works for me but i am very faithful and i not skip even a night or morning.i hoop you can try ed is not that Spense.
Reply:If your skin is a dry, and you are bothered by it, I suggest you try using Zenmed Sensitive Skin Care System from Zenmed or Autopalm from Skinstore.com
Zenmed has no side effects and it's non-irritant to the
skin. It's proven to works fast and it povides Maximum
results! It's certainly a good lotion to prevent further
Another product that I think is effective is Autopalm. This
dry skin mlm is one of the best seller at skinstore.com now.
(Skinstore.com holds more than 10,000 skin care products) It's pretty effective, and worth the dollar paid out.
Here's are some good references:
Dry skin problems
Products that are effective to eliminate dry skin
Small Under The Skin Pimples?
Well i've been having some problems with my skin lately. I've tried products and its gotten my face pretty cleared up, but these pimples are really weird. Its like under the skin, but NOT hard big red pimples ( sorry for the detail, but i just dont know how else to word it ) theyre small ( but there's a lot ), and practically blend in with my skin, but you can always see them in the light, and i feel them constantly, so it's very annoying, because it looks to people like i have clear skin, but if you ever ran your hand over my face it's bump after bump. I dont know what to call this, or how to fix it! help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
thanks in advance!
Small Under The Skin Pimples?
my son has been using pine tar soap for a lil over a month now. it has really helped clear it up. he had it really bad. huge sores on his face, back and some on his arms and chest. you can get it thru your pharmacy. it costs about $4 a bar and a bar can last 3-4 wks.
Small Under The Skin Pimples?
it sounds like it may possibly be a mild case of eczema
make sure all of the products you are using are hypoallergenic b/c the bumps may be a reaction to the ingredients in them
if you still cant figure out the source of these bumps, i might recommend a visit to your dermatologist who can officially diagnose you and give you treatment
good luck!
Reply:Hi there.... my sons have the same thing. Use Eucerine heavy cream on your arms for several weeks. Also when you bathe use a loofah to help exfoliate your skin. The lotion is expensive but worth the end results. Mine have been gone since high school after using Eucerine for a little over a month.
Good luck!!
Reply:It's possible that they are a different type of mole/skin tags. Go to a Dermatologist to get a better definition of what you have and what can be done to improve this for you.
It can be spendy as most insurance companies think of this as cosmetic. Some Dermatologist will take off many moles/skin tags for the price of one.
Reply:Have you started using any new soaps, moisturizers or other face products? You could be experience sensitivity to one of them. Discontinue any new product, and try using a noncomodogenic, hypoallergenic product, such as Cetaphil, and see if that makes any difference.
You may also be experience a reaction to the colder air and dry inside heat of wintertime. Try a moisturizer (again, hypoallergenic and noncomodogenic) formulated for sensitive skin. Taking Omega3 capsules (fish oil) also has excellent skin benefits.
Reply:These could be something called milia, which are basically tiny pockets of sebaceous material - harmless but annoying because the skin is not smooth. I have them on my upper arms and was advised to use a lacic acid preparation (basically an AHA body lotion) which actually exfoliates the surface and reduces the appearance. If these are on your face, I would check with a dermatologist first before applying any AHA to your skin.
thanks in advance!
Small Under The Skin Pimples?
my son has been using pine tar soap for a lil over a month now. it has really helped clear it up. he had it really bad. huge sores on his face, back and some on his arms and chest. you can get it thru your pharmacy. it costs about $4 a bar and a bar can last 3-4 wks.
Small Under The Skin Pimples?
it sounds like it may possibly be a mild case of eczema
make sure all of the products you are using are hypoallergenic b/c the bumps may be a reaction to the ingredients in them
if you still cant figure out the source of these bumps, i might recommend a visit to your dermatologist who can officially diagnose you and give you treatment
good luck!
Reply:Hi there.... my sons have the same thing. Use Eucerine heavy cream on your arms for several weeks. Also when you bathe use a loofah to help exfoliate your skin. The lotion is expensive but worth the end results. Mine have been gone since high school after using Eucerine for a little over a month.
Good luck!!
Reply:It's possible that they are a different type of mole/skin tags. Go to a Dermatologist to get a better definition of what you have and what can be done to improve this for you.
It can be spendy as most insurance companies think of this as cosmetic. Some Dermatologist will take off many moles/skin tags for the price of one.
Reply:Have you started using any new soaps, moisturizers or other face products? You could be experience sensitivity to one of them. Discontinue any new product, and try using a noncomodogenic, hypoallergenic product, such as Cetaphil, and see if that makes any difference.
You may also be experience a reaction to the colder air and dry inside heat of wintertime. Try a moisturizer (again, hypoallergenic and noncomodogenic) formulated for sensitive skin. Taking Omega3 capsules (fish oil) also has excellent skin benefits.
Reply:These could be something called milia, which are basically tiny pockets of sebaceous material - harmless but annoying because the skin is not smooth. I have them on my upper arms and was advised to use a lacic acid preparation (basically an AHA body lotion) which actually exfoliates the surface and reduces the appearance. If these are on your face, I would check with a dermatologist first before applying any AHA to your skin.
Is sesative skin the same as nomal skin if not tell me the diffrence?
and what is the diffrence between oily skin, sesativeskin, %26amp; normal skin and what is the same if there is a same
Is sesative skin the same as nomal skin if not tell me the diffrence?
Sensitive skin is not the same as normal skin. Sensitive skin is prone to break outs, rashes, and irritation. If your skin breaks out when you change cosmetics, soaps, etc... you have sensitive skin. Normal skin has the right amount of moisture and doesn't break out easily. If your skin has an abundance of oil, you guessed it oily skin. If you have oily skin it is generally in what is called the "T Zone". It would be your forehead, down your nose, and ending at your chin. Hope this helped!
Is sesative skin the same as nomal skin if not tell me the diffrence?
Sensitive skin is not the same as normal skin. Sensitive skin is prone to break outs, rashes, and irritation. If your skin breaks out when you change cosmetics, soaps, etc... you have sensitive skin. Normal skin has the right amount of moisture and doesn't break out easily. If your skin has an abundance of oil, you guessed it oily skin. If you have oily skin it is generally in what is called the "T Zone". It would be your forehead, down your nose, and ending at your chin. Hope this helped!
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